Note: The working version number for version 1.5 was 1.3.
Archive version available at:
This page lists the goals that Version 1.5 aspired to. Striked out items have been implemented.
- Critical bugs that need to be fixed
- New functionality that needs implementation/fixing
- Other stuff
I know many potential users are trying to decide whether to install 1.2mingus or wait until an official 1.3 release. This page should help them tackle that decision.
1.3 (now 1.5) Goals
This is a temporary section outlining goals for 1.3(now 1.5) for developers to work on if they have the time. Not all of this will make it into 1.3(now 1.5). If you have any questions or comments, or even better if you want to work on any of this, please email [email protected]
Dashboard – blocker: magpie/custom decision- Finish options
Remove tables:optiongroup_optionsoptiongroupsoptiontypesoptionvalues
Fix geo 0;0 behaviour re: Carthik
Add GUID field to wp_posts (should be permalink at time of posting, with isPermalink=no)- Users
Ability to edit other users
- Login page
Needs to give errors in a big red box
Developer Notes
- Don’t use the trackback and pingback pseudo-xml tags anymore, use the new comment_type field.
- Note that the table names have all moved into $wpdb
- Use WP_Query and the is_*() functions.