On August 5, 2007, WordPress version 2.0.11 was released to the public. For information on the bug release, see Changelog for 2.0.10.
For Version 2.0.11, the database version (db_version in wp_option) remained at 3441.
Installation/Upgrade Information
To download WordPress 2.0.11, visit https://www.ads-software.com/download/release-archive/
For step-by-step instructions on installing and upgrading WordPress:
If you are new to WordPress, we recommend that you begin with the following:
New Features/Fixes
Version 2.0.11 is a bug fix.
List of Files Revised in 2.0.11
Please note it is recommended to upload all files (not just diff files) for the upgrade.
wp-admin/admin-functions.php wp-admin/edit-form.php wp-admin/edit-form-advanced.php wp-admin/edit-form-comment.php wp-admin/edit-page-form.php wp-admin/import/dotclear.php wp-admin/import/greymatter.php wp-admin/import/livejournal.php wp-admin/import/mt.php wp-admin/import/rss.php wp-admin/import/textpattern.php wp-admin/link-import.php wp-admin/options.php wp-admin/post.php wp-config-sample.php wp-content/themes/default/functions.php wp-includes/functions.php wp-includes/functions-formatting.php wp-includes/pluggable-functions.php wp-includes/version.php wp-links-opml.php xmlrpc.php