Features of bbPress Login Register Links On Forum Topic Pages
- Add dedicated bbPress only sidebar, when users view your bbPress forums, bbPress pages, you can use dedicated bbPress sidebar to show bbPress only widgets, without writing any codes
- Add bbPress login link in bbpress forum index pages or bbpress single forum pages or bbpress forum pages or bbpress topic pages. Check Demos
- If you logged in your bbPress Forum, the login link will be replaced as Log Out link in bbpress forum index pages or bbpress single forum pages or bbpress forum pages or bbpress topic pages.
- Add bbPress register link in bbpress forum index pages or bbpress single forum pages or bbpress forum pages or bbpress topic pages.
- Add bbPress forget password link in bbpress forum index pages or bbpress single forum pages or bbpress forum pages or bbpress topic pages.
- In Plugin Setting Panel, you can edit / custom your bbPress links style via css
- In Plugin Setting Panel, default css codes for login / logout / forget password / register links has been designed already
- In plugin Setting Panel, you can disable Top Admin Bar for Non-Admin Logged-in Users. Demos and Check, you can register as a member and check the result.
- In plugin Setting Panel, You can custom Login Links in admin area “bbPress Custom Login Links Settings” panel. If you want to use your own custom login links.
You can enter your custom login link, for example “login”:
- The “login” link above forums, will change from to
- The “register” link above forums, will change from to
- The “Lost Password” link above forums, will change from to
If you do not want to use custom login links again, you can just remove login link in “bbPress Custom Login Links Settings” panel* In Plugin Global Setting Panel, you can enable / disable “Login redirected to the same topic page from where clicked the login link”
* In Plugin Global Setting Panel, you can enable / disable bbPress Only Sidebar
* In Plugin Global Setting Panel, you can select an existed sidebar as bbpress sidebar
* Support translate plugin to other languages and launch localized versions, .po files can be found in languages folder
* more feature request is super welcome at Feature Request
Why I develop this bbPress plugin:
bbPress is a great forum product, I used it build many forums, but in recent days when I build a site which focus the forum, I found a problem: there are no bbpress login link, bbpress register link, bbpress forget password links in bbpress forum index pages or bbpress single forum pages or bbpress forum pages or bbpress topic pages.
I try to find a solution, the result is I understand in the current time, I had to put the forum login link at the widget or I had to tell users to how to find the log in link in forum topics or add register/login links in the menu items…
For webmasters, the widget is rare asset and the sidebar area have no so many place to put a big log in widget…, for users, many of users/clients is not good at forum scripts or web sites, and they have no time to find the log in link in your sites…, the result is many of users just leave away from your forums, as a webmaster, this is not good because you used so many days/nights to build the site and offer the services.
I think the most easy way is put the log in/register links in the forum pages or in the topic pages, for this reason, I developed a new bbpress plugin: bbPress Login Register Links On Forum Page And Topic.
Many users requested a dedicated bbPress sidebar, because in the current time, bbPress be designed to using wordpress sidebar, no bbpress sidebar, but in bbPress forums, there are a few things only releated with forum users, for example, recent topics, bbPress logged users… and so on, these things is important for bbPress users, but it is not helpful for users on wordpress side, so it is better to add a dedicated bbPress only sidebar.
This plugin works like this way:
When users view wordpress pages(not in bbPress forums), nothing changed.
When users view bbPress forums / bbPress pages, the plugin will detect all sidebars in your theme,
and replace the first sidebar as a dedicated bbPess sidebar automatically, no any code needed.
In admin area, you will find a new “bbPress Sidebar”, you can just drag your widgets to this bbPress Sidebar, and these widgets will shown only in bbPress pages.
In our plugin “bbPress Login Global Settings” Panel, you can enable / disable bbPress only sidebar, and select an existed sidebar as bbpress sidebar
How To Use:
It is very easy to install and use:
1: Please just upload the plugin and active it
2: It will works well automatically, I have added default css codes in the plugin, and you can custom your codes in back end.
3: You will find at the top of forum pages, there are log in / register and Lost / Password links, when a user is logged in, the login link will turn into logout link.
Also if you use some log in plugins like theme my login which changed login/register links, the plugin will still works well, how it looks? Please check screenshots. ??
4: If you need custom style of any link for a better UI in your theme, you can go to the plugin setting panel “bbPress Custom”, you can do it very easy.
Also in here, actually you can custom any style css codes for your bbPress or WordPress site.
5: If you click “Global Settings”, you will find options to “Login redirected to the same topic page from where clicked the login link” and “Enable bbPress only sidebar to allow admin to add widgets for bbPress topics and replies”, and you can select an existed sidebar as bbpress sidebar
Feature Request and Plugin Support Forum:
Features of bbPress Login Register Pro:
Our pro version have more features, it designed for help your bbpress forums more friendly for users, more pretty, stop brute force attacks on your bbpress forums… and so on.
Pro Version Features
Check Pro Version Detailed Feature List and Demos
- All features included in free version
- Login and Logout auto redirect based on user roles:you can setting after login redirect URLs and after logout URLs based on user roles. For example, you can setting users which have subscriber role redirect to their activity page after they logged in, and let users who have woocommerce customer role redirected to their shop account page,or redirect editors to their messages page… and so on,If you want to do a test, you can register as a member , and login , as an user with subscriber role, you will find you be redirected to our support forum, not the wordpress default home page. And when you logout, you will find you be redirected to the our shop, not wordpress default login page.
- bbPress Google reCAPTCHA Protection for Forums / Login / Register Pages: You can enable or disable google reCAPTCHA protection for bbPress New Topic Form / bbPress New Reply Form / bbPress Login Form / bbPress Registration Form, if users did not pass the reCAPTCHA, users can not add new topic on your bbpress forums.
- bbPress Login / Register Spam Protection, Disable Users Who From Proxy to Open Login / Register Your bbPress Forums: If you enable this option, our plugin will detect user’s ip address, and check it is hidden behind a proxy or not, if a users is come from a proxy, we will disable these proxy users open your login page and register page. Many spam-bots is working behind a proxy server, in the current time, our plugin can detect about 22 proxy types and stop users login / register on your site via these proxy types, so these proxy users can not log in your bbpress forum, so these proxy users will not have a chance to add spam content in your forums.
- Customize bbPress Background Image on Login Page / Register Page: You can change background image for login page / register page, please check demo , you will find the we have changed default login background as a pretty background image, We have chosen 12 pretty background image for you,and we are add more pretty images
- Customize bbPress Login Page / Register Page Logo: You can custom Login Logo Image to add your own custom logo on login form / register form, please check demo , you will find the default wordpress logo image has been changed as our specified logo image, also you can custom logo URL in plugin panel
- Customize bbPress Login Page / Register Page Title
- Disable Top Admin Bar for Non-Admin Logged-in Users…
- Admin access restricts control based on user roles: in back end, you can enable or disable users access wordpress admin area based on user roles,
When users type ‘wp-admin’ to access admin area, if users did not allowed to access admin area, they will be redirected to home page of your site.- Admin can add bbPress Login | Logout links in site menus, when guest not logged in your site, they will see ‘Log In’ link at the menu bar, when users logged in your site,
they will see ‘Log Out’ link in site menu bar, also you can add register link in site menus too- In bbPress Login Pro plugin Setting Panel, You can custom Login Links in admin area “bbPress Custom Login Links Settings” panel. If you want to use your own custom login links.
You can enter your custom login link, for example “login”:
- The “login” link above forums, will change from to
- The “register” link above forums, will change from to
- The “Lost Password” link above forums, will change from to
If you do not want to use custom login links again, you can just remove login link in “bbPress Custom Login Links Settings” panel* In Plugin Setting Panel, you can edit / custom all bbPress links style via css code very easy, actually you can use this setting panel online custom any your bbPress style css codes and it will works
* more…
More amazing features are being developed and you can upgrade unlimited, you are very welcome to submit your feature request at
More bbPress Plugins Maybe You Will Like
More amazing features are being developed and you can upgrade unlimited, you are very welcome to submit your feature request at
1:Upload the Bbpress Login Register Links On Forum Topic Pages to your site
2:Activate it
3:No any setting needed in back end, the bbpress login link and the bbpress register link and forget password links will shown at the top/bottom of your forum pages or topic pages.
1, 2, 3: You’re done!
Any question or feature request is welcome at
Contributors & Developers
“bbPress Login Register Links On Forum Topic Pages” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.
ContributorsTranslate “bbPress Login Register Links On Forum Topic Pages” into your language.
Interested in development?
Browse the code, check out the SVN repository, or subscribe to the development log by RSS.
Version 3.3.5
Version 3.3.3
Enhanced code security
Version 3.3.1
Version 3.2.7
new “bbPress Login Notification Settings” panel and menu
Version 3.2.5
Version 3.2.3
Added support forum link to help users submit a ticket easier
Version 3.2.1
1: fixed bug of lost password link
2: follow wordpress security to use sanitize function check and filter all content generated by admin in bbpress login settings panel
3: follow wordpress security to use esc function check and filter all output generated by bbpress login settings panel
Pro Version 3.0.0
Support profile link on the login bar
Pro Version 2.9.6
In Plugin Global Setting Panel, you can select an existed sidebar as bbpress sidebar, improved theme compatibility
Version 2.9.1
Added new option “Temporarily Turn off All Featrures Of bbPress Login Plugin”
Pro Version 2.8.6
Support enable / disable bbPress only sidebar
In back end, you will find “Global Settings” sub menu item, click “Global Settings” sub menu item, you can open Global Settings Settings Panel, in here, you can enable / disable bbPress Only Sidebar
In front end, if you enabled bbPress Only Sidebar, in all bbPress forums, topics, replies, you will find a bbPress sidebar, this sidebar will only shown in bbPress pages, if you disabled bbPress Only Sidebar, we will remove bbpress only sidebar from all bbpress pages
If you enabled bbPress only sidebar, in back end, in wrdpress “Widgets” menu, you will find “bbpress sidebar” and you can drag any widget into this bbpress only sidebar
Support newest version of php
Version 2.8.5
Use wordpress nonce security to improve site security
Pro Version 2.7.6
Fix the deprecated functions in admin menu.
Fix the warning of undefined variable
Version 2.7.5
Option to select the location of the bbPress login bar, you can select to :
Show bbPress login bar before bbPress forum and after bbPress forum
Show bbPress login bar before bbPress forum
Show bbPress login bar after bbPress forum
Fixed the bug of single forum
Clean unnecessary comments
Change our support forum URL from to
Changed the order of menu bars, put the most commonly used first
Pro Version 2.7.2
Add dedicated bbPress only sidebar, when users view your bbPress forums, bbPress pages, you can use dedicated bbPress sidebar to show bbPress only widgets, without writing any codes
Many users requested a dedicated bbPress sidebar, because in the current time, bbPress be designed to using wordpress sidebar, no bbpress sidebar, but in bbPress forums, there are a few things only releated with forum users, for example, recent topics, bbPress logged users… and so on, these things is important for bbPress users, but it is not helpful for users on wordpress side, so it is better to add a dedicated bbPress only sidebar.
This plugin works like this way:
When users view wordpress pages(not in bbPress forums), nothing changed.
When users view bbPress forums / bbPress pages, the plugin will detect all sidebars in your theme,
and replace the first sidebar as a dedicated bbPess sidebar automatically, no any code needed.
In admin area, you will find a new “bbPress Sidebar”, you can just drag your widgets to this bbPress Sidebar, and these widgets will shown only in bbPress pages.
Pro Version 2.6.8
New option “URL Password to Bypass reCAPTCHA”, If you need login to backend every day, you can bypass recaptcha via URL password to save your time.
You can bypass recaptcha via this kind of URL:, please replace “YOURCOMMAND” with your value which entered in this field.
For users don’t know your URL password, recaptcha will still works for these users, you can give URL password to your admin and editor, or your friends, to save their time.
Pro Version 2.6.6
fix the bug of Google reCAPTCHA in bbPress New Topic Form
Version 2.6.5
After logged in bbPress forum, users will find a new “profile” link in login bar, when click the link “profile”, user will open his profile panel
Pro Version 2.6.4
Added admin access restricts control — based on user roles, in back end, you can enable or disable users access wordpress admin area based on user roles,
When users type ‘wp-admin’ to access admin area, if users did not allowed to access admin area, they will be redirected to home page of your site.
You can add Login | Logout links in site menu, when guest not logged in your site, they will see ‘Log In’ link at the menu bar, when users logged in your site,
they will see ‘Log Out’ link in site menu bar
You can add register link in site menu
If you customed bbpress login links in “bbPress Custom Login Links Settings” panel, we will use customized login link and customized register link as
login link and register link
It is very easy to add these login / logout / register links in back end, you can add links in WP admin area -> Appearance -> Menus —, you will see bbPress Login | Logout tab in “edit menus” setting panel
Just click it and you can add these bbpress login | logut menu into menu bar
Improved performance of new version notify
Version 2.6.1
In Plugin Global Setting Panel, you can select an existed sidebar as bbpress sidebar
Pro Version 2.5.8
When we released a new version of bbpress login pro plugin, you will get plugin update notify on admin top bar
Pro Version 2.5.4
In plugin Setting Panel, you can custom Login Links in admin area “bbPress Custom Login Links Settings” panel
If you want to use your own custom login links, you can enter your custom login link, for example “login”:
- The “login” link above forums, will change from to
- The “register” link above forums, will change from to
- The “Lost Password” link above forums, will change from to
If you do not want to use custom login links again, you can just remove login link in “bbPress Custom Login Links Settings” panel
Changed duplication functions name, now it is different with free version
Version 2.5.1
Support enable / disable bbPress only sidebar
In back end, you will find “Global Settings” sub menu item, click “Global Settings” sub menu item, you can open Global Settings Settings Panel, in here, you can enable / disable bbPress Only Sidebar
In front end, if you enabled bbPress Only Sidebar, in all bbPress forums, topics, replies, you will find a bbPress sidebar, this sidebar will only shown in bbPress pages, if you disabled bbPress Only Sidebar, we will remove bbpress only sidebar from all bbpress pages
If you enabled bbPress only sidebar, in back end, in wrdpress “Widgets” menu, you will find “bbpress sidebar” and you can drag any widget into this bbpress only sidebar
Pro Version 2.4.8
Fix the problem of empty Login Logo URL and Login Logo Title and Login Logo Image
If we are not in bbpress pages, we remove google recaptcha script, so we will save page resource on user side
Pro Version 2.4.6
Login and Logout auto redirect based on user roles
bbPress Google reCAPTCHA Protection for Forums / Login / Register Pages
Disable Users Who From Proxy to Open Login / Register Your bbPress Forums
Customize bbPress Background Image on Login Page / Register Page
Customize bbPress Login Page / Register Page Logo
Customize bbPress Login Page / Register Page Title
Disable Top Admin Bar for Non-Admin Logged-in Users
More details about Pro version can be found at
Version 2.4.1
Add dedicated bbPress only sidebar, when users view your bbPress forums, bbPress pages, you can use dedicated bbPress sidebar to show bbPress only widgets, without writing any codes
Many users requested a dedicated bbPress sidebar, because in the current time, bbPress be designed to using wordpress sidebar, no bbpress sidebar, but in bbPress forums, there are a few things only releated with forum users, for example, recent topics, bbPress logged users… and so on, these things is important for bbPress users, but it is not helpful for users on wordpress side, so it is better to add a dedicated bbPress only sidebar.
This plugin works like this way:
When users view wordpress pages(not in bbPress forums), nothing changed.
When users view bbPress forums / bbPress pages, the plugin will detect all sidebars in your theme,
and replace the first sidebar as a dedicated bbPess sidebar automatically, no any code needed.
In admin area, you will find a new “bbPress Sidebar”, you can just drag your widgets to this bbPress Sidebar, and these widgets will shown only in bbPress pages.
Version 2.3.1
Add feature of Login redirected to the same topic page from where clicked the login link
In back end, added login redirect menu, in login redirect setting panel, admin can enable / disable login redirect
Make setting panels looks more clean
Version 2.2.5
Fixed a php bug, now works well on hosting which php version < 5
Version 2.2.3
In plugin Setting Panel, you can custom Login Links in admin area “bbPress Custom Login Links Settings” panel
If you want to use your own custom login links, you can enter your custom login link, for example “login”:
- The “login” link above forums, will change from to
- The “register” link above forums, will change from to
- The “Lost Password” link above forums, will change from to
If you do not want to use custom login links again, you can just remove login link in “bbPress Custom Login Links Settings” panel
Fixed the icon error in admin area
Version 2.1.5
In admin area, you can disable Top Admin Bar for Non-Admin Logged-in users, Demos and Check, you can register as a member and check the result.
Improved internationalization
Version 2.1.0
Added Plugin Setting Panel, you can edit / custom all bbPress links style via css code very easy, actually you can use this setting panel online custom any your bbPress style css codes and it will works
Re-developed codes for more easy for maintenance.
Added Help, FAQ, bbPress Tips… and so on resource in back end.
Support translate plugin to other languages and launch localized versions, .po files can be found in languages folder
Version 1.1.0
- Enhanced wordpress security and plugin security
Version 1.1.0
- When a user is logged in, the login link will turn into logout link
Version 1.0.1
- Add the readme.txt and request add this plugin into bbpress directory.
Version 1.0.0
- Spell out that the license is GPLv2
- Finished the first version
- General code clean up
Please check full change log at: