This plugin provides shortcodes that manage multi column layouts.
Provides the following shortcodes [one_half], [one_third], [two_thirds], [one_fourth], [three_fourths], [one_fifth], [two_fifth], [three_fifth], [four_fifth], [one_sixth], [five_sixth] and also the same with last (for instace [one_half_last]) that allows to determine the last column.
Development based on the development done by SimpleThemes in the WordPress Skeleton Theme (
I liked very much that functionality but the theme is not the one I prefer. So I decided to extract that functionality.
- [one_half]
- [one_third]
- [two_thirds]
- [one_fourth]
- [three_fourths]
- [one_fifth]
- [two_fifth]
- [three_fifth]
- [four_fifth]
- [one_sixth]
- [five_sixth]
- [one_half_last]
- [one_third_last]
- [two_thirds_last]
- [one_fourth_last]
- [three_fourths_last]
- [one_fifth_last]
- [two_fifth_last]
- [three_fifth_last]
- [four_fifth_last]
- [one_sixth_last]
- [five_sixth_last]
You can use the short codes in order to break text into columns. The last column must be created using the last shortcode. For instance, if you want to have a 2 identical width colums you have to use [one_half] shortcodes. So [one_half]First column[/one_half][one_half_last]Second column[/one_half_last] will do that job.
- The plugin is installed as any other plugin.
- You should configure PrestaShop web services in order to allow required accesses.
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Contributors & Developers
“DeMomentSomTres Shortcodes” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.
ContributorsTranslate “DeMomentSomTres Shortcodes” into your language.
Interested in development?
Browse the code, check out the SVN repository, or subscribe to the development log by RSS.
- WP 3.9.1 Compatibility
- initial version: main shortcodes