1 Star, due to poor treatment of lifetime customers
Are lifetime licenses sustainable? No, not really… BUT, they help any developer get off the ground, build capital, and build a solid reputation.
If you’re going to discontinue your lifetime licenses, that’s understandable… but PLEASE, Grandfather in those folks who spent $$$ hundreds on your product several years ago.
Remember those who helped get you where you are!
Sad but true, we’ve seen a handful of cases where companies get greedy and cut off support and updates to long term supporters.
It’s really unfortunate that Pluggabl LLC, the team that brings us the WooCommerce Booster plugin, join the ranks of the few who cut off lifetime licenses.
“Lifetime license owners are entitled to receive all updates that were available at the time of their purchase. However, any new features released after that time are part of our new Elite license.”
…but what about the license that I bought into?
Sure, you can change your terms along the way, but don’t slap us in the face and disregard the license that so many of us purchased.
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