Plugin helps you to hide real/direct path of files hosted on your server for download and make your files secure from unauthorized download. It also maintains a log of all downloads done using it and provide capability to disallow direct linking (hot linking) to your files from other website.
You can:
- Allow or restrict hotlink (direct download) of your files from other website/external links.
- Restrict ‘download only’ from link on your website
- View log of individual download
It support multiple files extensions including:
zip / pdf / doc / xls / ppt / exe / gif / png / jpg / jpeg / mp3 / wav / mpeg / mpg / mpe / mov / avi / xlsx
*Step by step configuration guideline in Settings sections of plugin after activation
Version 1.5 changes:
– Corrupt file bug fixed
– Easy step by step guide added in admin to configure plugin
– Generate Root path dynamically
– Support for xlsx added
- Unzip plugin in
- Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
- Go to Settings -> ‘Hide Download Link’
- Enter Root path of your download directory where all files are hosted. (it should be something as /home/public_html/yourdirectoryname depending on your host)
- Enter referred (if you want to restrict direct download using link from other wesbites)
- Save and you are done !!
Now create a page and enter shortcode [download_page]. You are files are now secure!
Download link of your all files will be
If you created page with name ‘Download’ and added shortcode in it, Path for your download file (assuming its name is will be:
- How can I view download log?
A file ‘downloads.log’ is created on root of your server, open it in text editor and you can view details Time/Date/IP address and Downloaded file name in it.
- what should I enter in ‘Allowed Referred’?
‘Allowed Referred’ is not mandatory but if you want to allow download of your files from specific websites only then enter name of site in allowed referral textbox.
For example if you want to allow download of files from your website only, enter your site name (without https://www.) in allowed referral. Now users will be only able to download file by clicking link on your website.
- Where do I report bugs?
In the WordPress forum ( or contact using form here
Yes, still working on version 4.8
Although it lacks clear usage, but since the author did put effort so I’ll offer my own step-by-step version so that others can appreciate it as well (after activating plugin):
1. Create ANY folder on your hosting server using FTP or cpanel File Manager
(I created mine inside /wp-content/uploads/ folder). e.g. “downloads”
2. After activating plugin, go to Settings > Hide Download Link
3. Copy the directory highlighted on the “Root path on your server is”
e.g. /home/server/public_html/
4. Paste it on the “Base Dir:” text box then add the directory where you created your folder. Now, my full “Base Dir:” is:
5. Keep “Log Downloads” checked
6. Click to Save Settings (Nevermind any error)
7. Upload your downloadable file on your “Base Dir” (or on your created folder)
Let’s say my file is “”
The REAL full url of my file is /home/server/public_html/wp-content/uploads/downloads/
8. Create new post/page for your “” Download Page
Let’s say I named it “Download Page of Plugin” with slug “download-page-plugin”
9. On that page, you don’t have to write anything EXCEPT for the shortcode [download_page]
10. Save & Publish that Page
Now, the url of that page will be:
11. Create ANOTHER new post/page. This time, I created my Thank You Page.
I named it “Thank You Plugin Download” with slug “thank-you-page-plugin”
12. On the content, I included a thank you message plus the PLUGIN-SECURED download link.
e.g. Thank you for downloading my plugin. Click HERE to download the plugin
NOTE: “” is the URL of the first created page; “?f=” is the required query for the URL; and lastly “” is the file name of the uploaded file.
13. Save & Publish that Page
Now, the url of that page will be:
14. To test if everything is working, go to the recently created page;
“” and check the download link.
Once you click the link, the downloadable file should now be accessible.
not clear instructions. I had to search for the short code then it didn’t work.
It works smoothly and integrated within any external player or audio tag.
The real path of mp3 file is coded, although external or browser audio players works fine.
Nice work Deepak!
This plugin works beautifully. I’d like to thank Deepak for making this plugin.
There are however a few directions that you should follow. Don’t forget to create a page titled “download” & put this shortcode there ‘[download_page]’
Most of the bad reviews I read are by people who have no idea what they’re doing. A little bit of WP knowledge & access from server side (since you need to create a folder in wp-content as well) this plugin works like a charm.
Thanks again to the developer.
…but remember to set your “real download path” every (!) time, the plugin is updated or re-activated. So it′s still working under WP 4.9.x
Alternative for some bucks (and more complicated):
Read all 14 reviews
“Hide Real Download Path” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.