This is a simple widget you can use to display business contact information in a sidebar on your website. This contact information includes the microdata markup of the LocalBusiness type. (
Available Fields (all optional):
- Business Name
- Text Description
- Phone Number
- Fax Number
- Physical Street Address, City, State/Region, Postalcode and Country
- Text/HTML After Address
- Latitude and Longitude Coordinates
- Business Contact Email Address
- Business Website URL
- Business Hours (2 sets)
- Text/HTML Before
- Text/HTML After
Available Local Business Types (list from
LocalBusiness, AnimalShelter, AutomotiveBusiness, AutoBodyShop, AutoDealer, AutoPartsStore, AutoRental, AutoRepair, AutoWash, GasStation, MotorcycleDealer, MotorcycleRepair, ChildCare, DryCleaningOrLaundry, EmergencyService, FireStation, Hospital, PoliceStation, EmploymentAgency, EntertainmentBusiness, AdultEntertainment, AmusementPark, ArtGallery, Casino, ComedyClub, MovieTheater, NightClub, FinancialService, AccountingService, AutomatedTeller, BankOrCreditUnion, InsuranceAgency, FoodEstablishment, Bakery, BarOrPub, Brewery, CafeOrCoffeeShop, FastFoodRestaurant, IceCreamShop, Restaurant, Winery, GovernmentOffice, PostOffice, HealthAndBeautyBusiness, BeautySalon, DaySpa, HairSalon, HealthClub, NailSalon, TattooParlor, HomeAndConstructionBusiness, Electrician, GeneralContractor, HVACBusiness, HousePainter, Locksmith, MovingCompany, Plumber, RoofingContractor, InternetCafe, Library, LodgingBusiness, BedAndBreakfast, Hostel, Hotel, Motel, MedicalOrganization, Dentist, DiagnosticLab, Hospital, MedicalClinic, Optician, Pharmacy, Physician, VeterinaryCare, ProfessionalService, AccountingService, Attorney, Dentist, Electrician, GeneralContractor, HousePainter, Locksmith, Notary, Plumber, RoofingContractor, RadioStation, RealEstateAgent, RecyclingCenter, SelfStorage, ShoppingCenter, SportsActivityLocation, BowlingAlley, ExerciseGym, GolfCourse, HealthClub, PublicSwimmingPool, SkiResort, SportsClub, StadiumOrArena, TennisComplex, Store, AutoPartsStore, BikeStore, BookStore, ClothingStore, ComputerStore, ConvenienceStore, DepartmentStore, ElectronicsStore, Florist, FurnitureStore, GardenStore, GroceryStore, HardwareStore, HobbyShop, HomeGoodsStore, JewelryStore, LiquorStore, MensClothingStore, MobilePhoneStore, MovieRentalStore, MusicStore, OfficeEquipmentStore, OutletStore, PawnShop, PetStore, ShoeStore, SportingGoodsStore, TireShop, ToyStore, WholesaleStore, TelevisionStation, TouristInformationCenter, TravelAgency
You can see this widget in action at
- Upload the zip package via ‘Plugins > Add New > Upload’ in your WP Admin OR Extract the zip package and upload the localbusiness-microdata-widget folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory via FTP
- Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins > Installed Plugins’ section in WP Admin
The widget will now be available in ‘Appearance > Widgets > Availalbe Widgets’. Simply drag the widget to a sidebar and enter the business contact information you would like to display.
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Contributors & Developers
“Local Business Microdata Widget” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.
ContributorsTranslate “Local Business Microdata Widget” into your language.
Interested in development?
Browse the code, check out the SVN repository, or subscribe to the development log by RSS.
- Added field for specific Local Business type from
- Added PaymentAccepted field
- Fixed business hours set 2 from showing when days not set
- Added label class to field labels
- Corrected localizing/internationalizing issues, THX Piet!
- Increased security: prevented direct access to the file, THX Piet!
- Added field to display after address
- Added country field to physical address
- Added business hours
- Added functionality to hide elements from display
- Improved readme, screenshots, typos, THX Bob Riley!
- Initial version.