Complete freight and transport management for Norwegian e-commerce.
- Shipping tracking URL in customer emails.
- Simple setup.
- Pick from 85 transporters, among Bring, Postnord, HeltHjem, DHL etc.
- Direct from Woocommerce to Printer.
- Let customer choose pickup point.
- Custom shipping method with free delivery, weight control and freight estimation with price surcharge.
- Support delivery to organizations.
- Schedule label prints.
- Schedule data transfers to transporters.
- Set specific printers and print intervals for individual freight methods.
- Automatically create return labels.
- Print picklist on printer with WooCommerce PDF Invoices & Packing Slips
- Override orders that require special handling.
- Bulk send orders.
- Bulk print orders.
- +++
- NEW Added contact person and email to return address form to admin settings.
- FIX Removed autoload from most wildrobot options.
- CLENAUP Removed version 6 deprecated features.
- CLEANUP Removed old wildrobot options no longer in use.
- NEW Added filter wildrobot_logistra_override_sender_id to override sender id for a specific order.
- FIX Removed used of deprecated WC_Order::get_product_from_item() method.
- FIX Check for valid product when calculating weight for order in a package group.
- NEW Added option to exclude freight methods for user groups.
- FIX Bug where service partner would not be set in session when customer used freight calculator for the first time. New method of enqueuing data to frontend.
- NEW Added filter logistra_robots_order_total_with_discounts_subtracted to change order total with coupons subtracted.
- NEW Fees will not be calculated in free freight threshold.
- FIX Bug in quickstart.
- FIX Bug where TCPDI was not loaded.
- NEW Added filter wildrobot_logistra_picklist_qr_code_size to change size of QR code on picklist.
- FIX Added filter wildrobot-logistra-estimate-package-type to change package type estimations of tg_pall.
- NEW Limit possible pickup points to manned or unmanned by adding a service on the freight method relation.
- FIX Added some structure to shipping methods and change naming
- FIX Only enqueue frontendscripts on cart, checkout, or pickup page.
- NEW Added option to restrict shippming methids to user groups.
- FIX Bug where variable products would not get calcualted dimensions when creating consignment.
- NEW Added option to change default text in service partner select dropdown.
- NEW Removed filter for preselected services. All services are not available.
- FIX Order actions list buttons now properly aligned in admin.
- FIX Strip special characters from description for separate packages.
- NEW Bulk print freight labels.
- FIX Bug where “egen kolli” would create a package with 0 weight which would not be able to estimate.
- NEW Possible to add pickup point with just hooks. No need for template overriding.
- CHANGE The filter logistra_robots_service_partner_select to get pickup point now uses WC->session instead of template variable to calculate the pickup point.
- NEW Support for Instabox and Porterbuddy.
- NEW Attaching product to every service partner(pickuppoint) request, should enhance accuracy of service partner selection.
- NEW Display choosen service partner name (pickuppoint) in order details.
- NEW Possibly to force customer to choose service partner (pickuppoint) (this is required for Porterbuddy and Instabox).
- BREAKING: Changed cart-shipping.php template, if you have customizations here, you need to update them.
- BREAKING: To support instabox and porterbuddy, the service partner number is now saved in a different format. This will only affect you if you have custom integrations that depend on this format or use filter wildrobot_logistra_pickuppoint_checkout_inline.
- DEPRECATE: Popup window for choosing service partner (pickuppoint) is now deprecated because we can use inline picker in checkout and cart. It still works for old freight products, but will not work for Instabox and Porterbuddy.
- FIX Bug where order would be marked as allready sent when seding even if it was not.
- Remove disabled prop from checkbox in general settings.
- NEW Trim carrier and consignee messages to 70 characters.
- NEW Show max 5 shipping classes, categories and tags in pick and delivery details.
- FIX Bug where order id was not fetched correctly with certain permalink structure on edit order screen.
- NEW Added REST endpoint for creating deliveries.
- FIX Add return labels tracking url to seperate meta.
- FIX Bug where package would not be created if quantity was 0.
- FIX Bug introduced in 7.4.2 where package gave an error when sending or overriding orders.
- FIX Bug where estimations would not count dimensions and weight from variations.
- FIX Bug where package fields were cleared when updating product.
- NEW: Added a “Kom igang” guide to help you get started with Wildrobot.
- FIX Remove booking request service from estimates.
- BUG Too few arguments to function display_notice_if_user_has_orders_not_responded
- NEW: Package settings are now dynamically displayed when updating the “Number of packages” field for a product.
- FIX Bug when estimating packages in checkout and in strict mode.
- New Added a print again url on the order notes.
- NEW Exclude a product from free freight calcualtion.
- UI Added some styling to structure product settings.
- FIX Not adding “egen pakke” to the order.
- NEW Added som services
- NEW Added a service
- FIX Freight estimation with multiple packages/ “kolli” dident properly add the base package in freight estimations.
- FIX Properly parse new error messages.
- FIX Freight estimation with multiple packages/ “kolli” now calculates correctly.
- NEW When creating a delivery and if there is no response from freight vendor and the order is not delivered within an hour. The user will Then the user will see a notice in admin dashboard urging them to check it.
- NEW Possible to instruct a product to carry multiple “kolli” / packages into an order with configurable name, dimensions, and weight. Also possible to generate packages/”kollier” based on quantity,
- FIX Calcualte weight on bundled items, had wrong logic on how to count weight for container and disregard bundled item. Lead to double counting container item.
- FIX undefined array key “override_weight”
- Breaking: Added HPOS compatibility. For more information, visit the WooCommerce HPOS Documentation This update ensures that your store can leverage WooCommerce’s High-Performance Order Storage for improved performance and scalability.
- FIX Show “Utlevering ikke mulig.” when no pickuppoints was fetched. This is for future competability with new transport services coming.
- CHANGE: Properly uses order ID and not order NUMBER when delivering orders. If you have special order numbers, IDs, or if these two are not the same, please make sure that creating deliveries is working as expected.
- FIX: Consignment attributes for order_id now use order_id and not order_number.
- FIX: Creating picklist now use order_id and not order_number.
- FIX Not beeing able to delete first package in override when multiple packages.
- FIX Possible to update with 0 weight in override.
- FIX Showing return services for Profrakt.
- NEW Round estimates to nearest 10,9 and 1. New option introduced on the shipping method.
- NEW Possibility to have estimated cost include carriers fixed cost (Profrakt).
- NEW Round estimates to nearest 10.
- FIX Possible fix for creating multiple collies for products who dont have this checked.
- FIX Bug not beeing able to uncheck seperate package setting on product.
- BREAKING New package box estimation algorithm. It will now break up quantities and stack them on the smallest dimension.
- NEW Possible to mark product to generate seperate package when creating delivery. Possiblity to group products into same seperate package by transport description.
- FIX Profrakt print picklist
- CHAGE Smaller QR code on picklist
- Bump tested with.
- FIX Adjusting how to get order id in order details.
- FIX Adjusting how to get order id in order details.
- FIX Qr code generator.
- NEW Hook right before creating delivery, wildrobot_logistra_before_send_consignments with two arguments. First is the json object, second is the order id.
- NEW Service parner request with freight product “postnord_mypack_small” now has some new features.
- FIX Changed add_meta_boxes_shop_order to add_meta_boxes because of changes in Woocommerce
- FIX Added fallback for bulk action dropdown admin bulk_actions-woocommerce_page_wc-orders.
- NEW Pick and delivery override now has send email to consignee option.
- NEW Possible to filter transportation products to show everywhere this option is presented.
- New Choose placement of tracking URL in order confirmation email.
- FIX Return label on fallback freight method.
= 6.17.5-6=
* NEW Added wildrobot_logistra_order_derlivery_created hook with args $order and $shipment
- BUG Possible bug when checking for customs_value
- BUG Render error when not finding delivery relation in delicery point picker.
- BUG: get_billing_postcode() had an mistype.
- FIX: Resolved an issue where the picklist page was utilizing an outdated option.
- NEW: Order automation is now available. Check it out in the Wildrobot settings.
- BREAKING: The checkout pickup point picker has been relocated to a separate row within the checkout form. The Woocommerce template has also been updated to the latest version, ensuring compatibility with Klarna iframe freight methods.
- FIX: Resolved an issue where ‘undefined’ was displayed when overriding an delivery for an order if no pickup point was selected but the freight product was changed to one with a pickup point.
- ADD Filter wildrobot-logistra-shipping-method-identifier-custom for headless solution.
- FIX Show address to sender select dropdown.
- BREAKING: Updated the freight cost estimation process to first apply tax and then round to determine the target price, resulting in a more accurate freight price.
- FIX: Enhanced handling of decimals in estimation responses for improved accuracy.
- CHANGE: Refreshed descriptions provided for freight estimation settings for better clarity.
- FIX Bug where invoice list navigate did not show.
- FIX Only use fallback delivery point for Postnord.
- FIX Better logging for service-partner request.
- NEW Choose to based freight method cost estimation on net (your discounted freight price) or gross (your non-discounted freight price).
- NEW Better feedback messages when delivering orders with bulk actions or delivering by updateing status.
- NEW Display freight method description when mapping to transporters freight method.
- BUG Fix labels
- BUG Fix decimal error when calculating weight on quantities in range 0-1
- BUG Fix in volume estimation on packages that needed dimension normalization.
- BUG Fix bug where picking list would not format correctly.
- Fix Bug when sending orders with certain weight values.
- FIX For variable product calculate dimensions.
- NEW Feed customer addresses to Pickup Point API for better nearest location selection.
- NEW Added more bundle weight and dimension comptability.
- NEW Possbility to set minimum and maximum dimension based on estimated total cart dimensions.
- FIX BUG With where a freight method had “Noen fraktklasser” and “Vektstyrt” would disregard weight requirements.
- FIX BUG where bundle weight was added to order weight.
- FIX Added more possibilities to combine exclude, require and some freightclasses on freight methods.
- FIX Dont calculate bundle dimensions. It will always take these from the individual products.
- FIX Bug where stacking logic for calculating package box dimesions did not run.
- FIX Override order bug with new box dimension calculatation.
- FIX Properly format data for delivery point picker.
- FIX When calculating package box dimensions, make sure dimensions are not swapped.
- FIX Fix order id in pick and delivery screen.
- NEW Min length, width and height settings for freight method.
- NEW Add description to freight methods that is not exposed to customer, useful when you need multiple freight methods with different settings. For example weight based.
- NEW Auto close override order window after sending the order option. Can be toggled inside override order windows. Settings save locally.
- FIX Possible bug where shipping code is set to Norway because a third part plugin is overriding country codes.
- FIX Bug formatting product description to transport description with unsupported characters.
- CHANGE Pickuppoint label in dropdowns more consistent representation.
- NEW Possible to change return address name.
- Change Changed download label option functionality so that if order has label it will show right away. Removing the other download label option as its redudant.
- CHANGE Menu name “Leverings innstillinger” renamed to “Wildrobot innstillinger”
- CHANGE Menu name “Plukk & Levering” renamed to “Wildrobot Plukk & Lever”
- FIX Changed labels
- NEW Possible to add freight label download button on order list. Configure this option under settings.
- NEW Possible to make send button into an download freight butter after successful delivery creation. Configure this option under settings.
- FIX Bug when estimating freight price, should not estimate freight price correctly.
- NEW Support Profrakt.
- NEW Added support for variable products when calculating order dimensions.
- CHANGE Many text labels have changed. Woocommerce settings tab is now named “Wildrobot fraktintegrasjon”.
- FIX Bug with updating printers.
- FIX Support DEV and PROD configurations. See article
- NEW Added multiple Bring services.
- FIX Compatability fix for plugin/theme that formats shipping country from code to name, we format it back to code for our purpos.
- FIX “Inline html” service point picker should not show if only fallback servicepoint is available.
- NEW Added support for EORI on DHL Electronic invoice (currency also added to this service)
- FIX Disregards bundle products on Eletronic invoice.
- NEW – Added billing to fields on Eletronic Invoice service.
- NEW – Added …
- Upload plugin zip file thorugh the WordPress admin interface.
- Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
- Go into Woocommerce -> Settings -> Logistra and input you Logistra API key.
- Register billing information to receive a 14 day trail.
- Start sending orders from Woocommerce to Logistra either from Orders list (rememver to show actions) or from within the edit-order screen.
Yordan Soares
December 4, 2024
I had a fantastic experience with WildRobot support team.
A mutual user (who also uses one of our plugins for invoicing) encountered a minor styling issue, which did not affect WildRobot functionality at all, but the developers —special thanks to Robin!— treated it as a top priority and resolved it in record time.
This level of commitment and respect for their users is truly admirable and deserves the highest praise: Keep up the amazing work!
Plugin works well, simple to configure and lots of configuration possible.
Continuous development and new features or bugs are being fixed.
We got instant response on our latest report with a fix released within half an hour.
Keep up the good work Robin!
Super plugin med super support
January 10, 2022
Dette er en veldig godt gjennomtenkt, enkel ? bruke, og solid plugin.
Supporten er helt fantastisk og tar seg god til til ? hjelpe.
Her er det ingenting ? klage p?!
Super plugin for Logistra, cheaper than other plugins i have use and much better support.
Saves us time and money every day.
Contributors & Developers
“Freight Integration for Woocommerce to Profrakt and Logistra by WildRobot” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.
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