This plugin has been closed as of August 6, 2020 and is not available for download. Reason: Guideline Violation.
I installed the Nice Team plugin on my website. There are so many things that don’t work and make it completely unusable.
Here are just a few examples.
1) There is no phone number field. There is an email field but no phone number field which is ridiculous – contacting people by phone is as common as it is contacting them by email.
2) When I add a contact form to a team member’s profile, the resulting web page displays the backend source code instead of the actual contact form.
3) The shortcode [team] displays the full text of the team member’s page. So if you have a long bio, the team page has a very looooooong vertical wall of text under the team member’s photo where there should be just an excerpt.
4) When I click through to the individual team member’s page, the styling is really messed up. The headshot is on the left without any margin whatsoever so it looks stuck to the side of the screen. There is almost no padding anywhere so everything looks awkwardly cramped. And so on. (Obviously I could style it via custom CSS but the whole point of this plugin is to have a usable Team page out of the box).
This plugin was clearly not tested on any real users. What a waste of time!
October 14, 2016
The plugin works great, I could use it for a client project in a few minutes!
Contributors & Developers
“Nice Team” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.
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