This plugin has been closed as of January 25, 2022 and is not available for download. Reason: Guideline Violation.
September 3, 2016
Widget shows with lines of script and heading of article. Says it can’t retrieve info.
September 3, 2016
It’s the only widget that ties stats into Jetpack as far as I know, which means it is accurate. The tabs are great because it does not take up space to have multiple widgets for Popular, Recent, and Comments.
You can made it look nice and match your theme with some CSS changes. I had trouble forever trying to get the CSS changes to actually appear, and it seemed like whatever change I would make, it would not appear. I figured out how to fix this:
1. Clear the cache in any caching plugin you have. Your server (Siteground in my case) may have a built-in caching feature already active by default. Siteground’s is called Supercacher. If you don’t turn it off and clear it’s cache while making css changes, your changes might not appear.
2. Clear the cache in any CDN service you use like Cloudflare. And then turn cloudflare on “Development Mode” which turns it off for a three hour period which allows you to make changes to your plugin without fear of Cloudflare delivering cached plugin appearances.
Contributors & Developers
“Popular Posts Tabbed Widget for Jetpack” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.
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