Search results for: “usps”
USPS Simple Shipping for Woocommerce
The USPS Simple plugin calculates rates for domestic shipping dynamically using the USPS API.
USPS Shipping for WooCommerce – Live Rates
Offer USPS shipping methods with real-time rates. Show dynamic prices at WooCommerce cart and checkout based on weight and destination.
User Submitted Posts – Enable Users to Submit Posts from the Front End
Enable visitors to submit posts and images from the front-end of your site. Many features including anti-spam security, content restriction, and more.
ELEX WooCommerce USPS Shipping Method
The plugin will help you to Automate USPS shipping by displaying LIVE shipping rates on the Cart and Checkout page.
Advanced Shipment Tracking for WooCommerce
Advanced Shipment Tracking(AST) streamlines WooCommerce fulfillment, order fulfillment, reducing inquiries, and boosting customer satisfaction.
WooCommerce Shipping
A free shipping plugin for US merchants to print discounted shipping labels and compare live label rates directly from your WooCommerce dashboard.
Table Rate Shipping Method for WooCommerce by Flexible Shipping
Table Rate shipping plugin for WooCommerce. Easily define shipping calculation rules based on weight or cart total. Improve conversion – try it now!
Enhance your WooCommerce single product pages by adding unlimited Unique Selling Propositions (USPs) and customizing them for individual products.
BBQ Firewall – Fast & Powerful Firewall Security
The fastest firewall plugin for WordPress. Protect against a wide range of threats with minimal performance impact.
Disable Gutenberg
Disable Gutenberg Block Editor and restore the Classic Editor and original Edit Post screen (TinyMCE, meta boxes, etc.).
WP Popups – WordPress Popup builder
WP Popups is the best popup maker for WordPress. Easy but powerful plugin with display filters, scroll-triggered popups, and Gutenberg block editor.
GA Google Analytics – Connect Google Analytics to WordPress
Adds Google Analytics 4 tracking code to your WordPress site. Supports many tracking features.
Conditional Shipping for WooCommerce
Restrict WooCommerce shipping methods based on conditions. Works with your existing shipping methods and zones.
Ecwid by Lightspeed Ecommerce Shopping Cart
Powerful, easy to use ecommerce shopping cart for WordPress. Sell on Facebook and Instagram. iPhone & Android apps. Superb support.
XPS Ship Integration
The XPS Ship Integration, a free integration for WooCommerce merchants, is the only integration that gives you all the necessary functionality for shi …
Disable Lazy Load
Activate this plugin to disable the Lazy Loading feature that was added in WP v5.5.