Search results for: “conditional widget”
OrderStorm WordPress e-Commerce
Cloud e-commerce with robust order management, automated drop-ship POs, quotes, digital downloads, automotive applications and sports camp management
Effective email signup form. +300% Email Subscribers and Automated Newsletter
Effective email signup form integrated with your articles and tags. Automated newsletter based on the interests of your readers. Analytics by News@me.
This plugin allow to apply some WordPress API's functions into your post/page content or as a widget.
Blogroll Widget with RSS Feeds
Displays the recent posts of your blogroll links via RSS Feeds in a customizable sidebar widget
JP's Get RSS Feed
Get last X number of posts from a selected RSS feed. Default is last 5 items. Includes shortcode for listing feed items on posts or pages.
Magic Fields 2 Toolkit
A toolkit for the Magic Fields 2 plugin for media oriented CMS web design by non programmers.
Simple Listings for Genesis
WordPress plugin that adds a custom post type and taxonomy for real estate listings.