Search results for: “social feed”
joudiSoft General WordPress Mobile Application
WordPress General Mobile Application Plugin helps WordPress webmasters to build their mobile application in minutes
Social Media Aggregator
Aggregate social media content from Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Vimeo, Instagram, and RSS Feeds into WordPress and use PHP or Ajax to retrieve.
Flat Twitter
Flat Twitter plugin gives you two widgets that will let you showcase your Twitter Profile or your Feeds with flat design graphics.
Author Box Plugin With Different Description
The Plugin will add an author box to your site. It also gives a flexibility to add different description for the same author according to the post.
Announce on Publish
When publishing a new post (for a filtered list of post types), a modal box is presented for creating an additional announcement post.
Send beautiful, responsive newsletters with your latest posts to subscribers without lifting a finger. We even widgetized the subscription form!
Stream Video Player
Stream Video Player for WordPress its one stop solution for high quality video publishing for web or iOS.
Social Networks
Most popular social widgets in one plugin. Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube, Google+
BuddyPress Private Community
This plugin makes your BuddyPress community private. Only logged in members can view the social areas in full. You can configure the default settings.
WP Social Blogroll
WP Social Blogroll adds a social blogroll to your blog. It will follow and display all updates of the sites in your blogroll.
Jamie Social Icons
Share your posts & pages with your favourite social sites – Twitter, Facebook, Google Plus, Pinterest And LinkedIn and now trackable with your Goo …
Readers From RSS 2 Blog Lite
Increase Your SALES And BLOG Audience By Turning Your BLOG RSS FEED Into A Powerful MARKETING Machine