Search results for: “social feed”
XING for WordPress
Embed the XING Share Button and the Follow Button on your Wordpress website without any hassle.
Easy Social
A simple to use social media plugin with Facebook, Google+, Twitter, Linkedin & Stumbleupon post buttons and a widget. Now includes pintrest!
Contact Page
Easily create a contact page with relevant address information, Google Maps, your latest tweets and links to relevant social media profiles.
followthis topic box
The followthis topic box helps you raise traffic + revenue and gain frequent readers for your website. User follow your topics with only 1 klick + wil …
Dream Broker Embed
This plugin enables you to embed Dream Broker channel and videos to a Wordpress site.
Social Glutton
Display Facebook's facepile, and feeds from Pinterest, Twitter, StumbleUpon, and Google+, with tabs
Use your wordpress blog to aggregate and reblog all friends and sites from across the web.
Sweepstakes app
> This plugin was replaced by our better and more recent [Social Contests]( "Run social …
Social Bookmarking RELOADED
The Social Bookmarking RELOADED plugin for WordPress adds a list of XHTML compliant graphic links at the end of your posts and/or pages that allow you …
Social Networks
Social Networks plugin displays your facebook link, Twitter, Youtube, linkedin, myspace and RSS Feed. I guarantee that you will like it after using th …
RSS Digest
RSS Digest is a plugin that creates daily digests from an RSS or Atom feed that you specify.
DoMelhor for Sociable
Automatically add links on your posts, pages and RSS feed to your favorite social bookmarking sites. Requires Sociable 3.4.1 or above.