Search results for: “social feed”
Add Button To Post
"Add Button To Post" is a plugin providing social button. Hatena, Twitter, Facebook, Google. Especially, this plugin is optimized for Japane …
Este plugin muestra de forma visual tus seguidores de Twitter, facebook y tus lectores de FeedBurner con sus tres botones correspondientes.
Social Bookmarks
It adds a list of XHTML graphic links at the end of your posts/pages that allow your visitors to easily submit them to bookmarking social sites.
Loads Twitter and Instagram posts. For each source, the plugin can perform a tag search or load from one or more accounts' timeline.
Easy ToolBox
This plugin is simple, all in one and really simplifies your life (SEO, Social networks, Google adsense, GetClicky, button +1, plusone, plus one, Twit …
What's My Status?
This plugin provides a widget to display the feed of a given user's posts on, Twitter, or any service that offers a Twitter-like API.
Dell Cloud Connect
Dell Cloud Connect is a widget/plugin that helps connect cloud computing blogs around the World.
Shopp + Mad Mimi
Customers who opt-in to email marketing from your WordPress e-commerce site during checkout are added to a specified list on Mad Mimi.
Shopp + Constant Contact
Customers who opt-in to email marketing from your WordPress e-commerce website during checkout are added to a specified list on Constant Contact.
Shopp + Campaign Monitor
Customers who opt-in to email marketing from your WordPress e-commerce site during checkout are added to a specified list on Campaign Monitor.
Top shared Freeware
Affichez le classement des logiciels gratuits les plus partagés sur les réseaux sociaux
Dell Virtualization Connect
Virtualization Connect is a widget/plugin that helps connect cloud computing blogs around the World.