Search results for: “ssl content”
EWWW Image Optimizer
Smaller Images, Faster Sites, Happier Visitors. Comprehensive image optimization that doesn't require a degree in rocket science.
UpdraftPlus: WP Backup & Migration Plugin
Backup, restore or migrate your WordPress website to another host or domain. Schedule backups or run manually. Migrate in minutes.
LifterLMS – WP LMS for eLearning, Online Courses, & Quizzes
Complete e-learning platform to sell online courses, protect lessons, offer memberships, and quiz students. WP Learning Management System.
Calculated Fields Form
The CFF plugin allows you to create both simple and professional forms. Its form builder includes dynamic calculated fields and many other controls.
RSS Aggregator – RSS Import, News Feeds, Feed to Post, and Autoblogging
The #1 WordPress RSS aggregator to quickly import RSS feeds, build a news aggregator, and for easy autoblogging.
Radio Player – Live Shoutcast, Icecast and Any Audio Stream Player for WordPress
The Radio Player plugin adds live audio streaming to WordPress, supporting Shoutcast, Icecast, and more for easy broadcasting.
WP Eventbrite Embedded Checkout
Allows people to buy Eventbrite tickets without leaving your website. Sell tickets right from your WordPress site!
SpinupWP is a modern server control panel that's here to help you implement best practices for every server you spin up. Designed for WordPress.
Configure SMTP
Configure SMTP mailing in WordPress, including support for sending email via SSL/TLS (such as Gmail).
Simple HTTPS Redirect
The plugin forcibly redirects your website to https protocol, keep your website safe and fix the mixed content problems.
App for Cloudflare?
Utilize Cloudflare to the max (caching, settings, rules, analytics, cloud storage, email management, protect admin area).
Super Progressive Web Apps
SuperPWA helps you convert your WordPress website into a Progressive Web App instantly.
Simply Static – The WordPress Static Site Generator
Create a static website directly from your WordPress website with Simply Static.
OSM – OpenStreetMap
Customize maps in your post, pages and widgets. GPX, KML and more. The easy way to map!