Search results for: “two factor”
Teddy ID Lite
Enables your users to log in to your site without manually entering the password. Instead, user just taps one button on his phone.
Two Factor Authentication
Add Two Factor Authentication for Wordpress using your smartphone or tablet and the Free Tokenizer service (
LoginTC Two Factor Authentication
The LoginTC WordPress Connector is a plugin that allows administrators to quickly add multi-factor authentication to their WordPress deployment.
mOTP Spam Blocker
mOTP Spam Blocker plugin helps you to protect your website with spam users and at the same time it builds trusted user-base by verifying user phone nu …
Woo Display Additional Currency
This plugin will add currency to catalog and product display page. The currency symbol and exchange rates can be set from admin.
More Secure Login
This is a strong authentication plugin. You have to fill a second field, kind of password but this one comes from a printed card you own (FR/EN).
Search by Tags
Let your readers search the web or your website directly from your posts content for any of your Tags. It will also improve your website's SEO.
Template SEO Checker
This plugin allows you to check if current template your are using for your website is SEO friendly or not.
Foresight makes it easier for a Wordpress administrator to stay up-to-date on current Wordpress exploits.