Search results for: “wp-blog-meta”
J.W.Cart Scheduler
Displays cart locations and schedules for Jehovah's Witnesses Literature carts, allowing members to log in and reserve times.
Canvasflow Export
This plugin integrates Canvasflow into WordPress allowing Canvasflow to export articles directly to WordPress.
Zanto WP Translation (For Multisites)
Zanto WP Translation helps you run a multilingual site by providing linkage between content in blogs of different languages in a WordPress multisite.
Improved user search in backend
Improves the search for users in the backend significantly: Search for first name, last, email and more of users instead of only nicename.
Prepare New Version
Create the next version of your post while preserving its already online version.
Easy Genesis – Pages Extension
An extension for the Easy Genesis plugin that allows you to universally remove titles across your pages, and display the featured image (if there is o …
Set HTML lang attribute per post
This wordpress plugin adds a meta box for specifying html lang="" language per post.
Allows administrators to globally disable XML-RPC, new emoji functionality in WordPress 4.2, wp generator, wlwmanifest, RSD EditURI and rss/feeds on t …