Search results for: “wp-blog-meta”
PlugInspired Login Customizer
Easily customize the default WordPress login, registration and forgot password pages. Including the colors, logo, and background.
WP Quadratum
Display your last Swarm checkin as a map widget in the sidebar or embedded in a post or page, fully authenticated via OAuth 2.0.
Text Filter Suite
Advanced filtering functions for WordPress, including the Talk Like a Pirate Day filters.
WP Enterprise Extension
The WP Enterprise Extension (WEX) is a multi-function plugin that adds a set of enhancements to tailor wordpress to an enterprise setting.
Movie Data from RT
Display list of movies (with Title, Year, Rating, Poster, Description etc.) from "Rotten Tomatoes".
The WP-SeedBank plugin turns any self-hosted WordPress blog into a community seedbank (or seed library). ??
Post Author
Display author, writing and editing date – fully customizable for content, excerpt, home, archive… with exceptions. Great for multi-author websites.