Search results for: “wp-blog-meta”
Notify your coworkers about a new blog post through the Basecamp Campfire group-chat service.
Current Location
Gets your current location from Google Badge System. Use to display your current location.
Social Kundi
Elegant and simple social sharing solution for your blog. Supports Facebook, Twitter and Google+.
OPS Old Post Spinner
Create a complete unique new post on a random old one and promote it to the top of your blog.
wpciteulike enables to add a bibliography maintained with CiteULike formatted as HTML to wordpress pages and posts. The input data is the bibtex meta …
Biblefox for WordPress
Turns your WordPress site into an online Bible study tool. Creates a Bible index for your WordPress site, allowing your users to easily search your bl …
Allows you to blog in multi-language, and users to select which to read. Works on every blog UI elements, not just the post.
Gravatar Signup Encouragement
Shows a message with link to Gravatar's signup page to commenters and/or users without gravatar.
SEO Comment Paging
El objetivo de este plugin es mejorar el posicionamiento de buscadores colocando las etiquetas meta noindex y nofollow en la paginacion de comentarios (disponibles en WordPress 2.7+) evitando de esta manera el duplicado de contenidos, se aplica a todas las paginas individuales de nuestro blog.
Sends status updates to selected maillists everytime you publish a post, using your own domain or others for shortened permalinks.