Plugin Tag: admin panel
Dashboard Editor
With this plugin you can remove sections of the dashboard, add new code, or even add Sidebar Widgets.
Zeus WordPress Admin
A simple, clean admin theme with select features to extend and improve your WordPress experience.
Hello Star
Yet another plugin inspired by Hello Dolly. This plugin shows information about the 88 constellations and their stars that are most visible given your …
User Dashboard Notifications
User dashboard notifications plugin lets administrators create notifications to be displayed in admin panel for users or group of users(roles).
ultimate activity bbpress
get the latest activity of your bbpress forum and configure it! – Obtenga la más reciente actividad de su foro bbPress y configurela a su gusto
Admin in menu
С этим плагином вы можете убрать стандартную админ-панель вордпресса для пользователей с уровнем доступа "подписчик".
The Taste of Ink
This plugin is a fork of Hello Dolly but instead uses the lyrics from one of my favorite songs, The Taste of Ink by The Used.