Plugin Tag: ads
Banner Ad Creator
Lets you design your custom banners either with image, code or visual editor. Also keeps track of each clicks/views and much more.
Keyword Landing Page Generator (Free)
Allows you to have one landing page, with different versions depending on the keyword — so you can show each visitor a customized version of it!
Simple Google Adsense par JM Créa
Simple Google Adsense par JM Créa permet d’afficher vos publicités Google Adsense sur n’importe quelles pages avec de simples shortcodes.
This plugin allows you to import the products directly from Amazon in your Wordpress WooCommerce store and earn a commission!
Attribution Query String Manager
This plugin will help manage query string variables to ensure that desired variables are always included on certain domains.
LH Multisite Ads
Allows you to insert ads after paragraphs of your post content, throughout your multisite network.
WPX Affiliate Manager
WPX Affiliate Manager allows you to integrate affiliate 125 x 125 images side by side into your site through a widget.