Plugin Tag: ads
Leadbolt WordPress Unlocker
Plugin to allow's unlockers to be easily added to your WordPress site or blog.
SmartyAds easy-to-install plugin allows efficient monetization of your WordPress built website or blog.
FS Revenue Maximizer
Adds your Adsense or any other ads inside your content ( after the first or second paragraph ), enabling you to increase your revenue 10 times.
Tapstream App Banner
Tapstream App Banners shows your iOS visitors a sweet app or game (using Safari's Smart App Banner). You get paid for every impression.
Click skin – Website enhancements and an alternative to banner ads
Website enhancements and an alternative to banner ads.
Block User Ads
Block User Ads is a lightweight plugin that will allow you to block users from posting ads.
- Business in a Box
Advertising, Calculators, and Lead Generation for financial websites to increase advertising revenues. Publishers must be approved by
Yepty – Pay Per Click Advertising. Monetize Blog and SkyRocket Income with Relevant Contextual Ads
Let ALL of your blog content earn you money.
Simple Advertising
This plugin provides simple handy tool for spreading advertisment (as images) over all web-pages which display posts or pages or CPT's.
Affiliates Ready! Ecommerce Integration Light
This plugin integrates Affiliates with Ready! Ecommerce Shopping Cart.
Aklamator Pro Adsense
Aklamator Pro AdSense digital PR plugin enables you to easily place AdSense or other custom Ad code on your wordpress site.
The Offerfwd plugin enables you to add opt-in offers from your partners to your WP page(s). You will need to create a Connections account at conx.