Plugin Tag: blockchain
PUBLIQ Wallet is the WordPress implementation of PUBLIQ Foundation's Wallet app ( Plugin communicates …
Adds SatoshiPay to your site, allowing you to charge small amounts for posts, images, audios, videos or downloads using micropayments.
Web3 Token Gate
Web3 Token Gate is an innovative Web3 authentication plugin for WordPress. Web3 Token Gate allows users to show hidden content only to those that veri …
Custom made dedicated blockchain capable of registering and auditing any advertisement click on chain (sale or no-sale). This concept enables anybody …
Welight – Easy Impact
Uma solu??o que pode ser integrada ao seu e-commerces, tornando o consumo dos seus produtos ou servi?os um ato mais consciente.
CardanoPress – Governance for Cardano
Allows users to be able to submit, participate and vote on governance proposals. Voting is done on-chain by submitting transactions with metadata.
Brand Guard QR
Brand Guard QR – Enhanced Product Identification Generate dynamic product identification codes replacing traditional GTIN/UPC usage backed by the Card …
DailyBrief is a WordPress plugin that provides a post summary of all WordPress posts written a during a day.
Near Pay
Shortcode that allow your customers to SignIn with NEAR Wallet and make payments using NEAR token.