Plugin Tag: excerpt
Mandatory Excerpts for WordPress
Causes the excerpt to be required before a post can be published. Supports both editor types (classic and block aka gutenberg).
mPress Custom Feed Excerpts
Customize your feed excerpts by simply using the <!–more–> tag in posts.
Multiple Excerpt Lengths
Allows you to change the lengths of WordPress excerpts (the_excerpt) that are present at various pages/templates throughout your site.
WooCommerce Filter Search
Change the search query behaviour searching only in the post/product title.
Custom Excerpts
Custom Excerpts allows you to create a custom excerpt length, choose HTML tags to allow and whether to make the link nofollow or dofollow.
Ultra Excerpts
Customize excerpts on your wordpress site. Features include custom length by words and letters, removed all HTML mark up, removing headings, overridi …
Expandable Dashboard Recent Comments
Enables in-place expansion of excerpts in the admin dashboard 'Comments' section of the 'Activity' widget to view full comments.
Disable TinyMCE Visual Editor (WYSIWYG editor) totally completely permanently forever
TDD Recent Posts
Simple widget that displays the recent posts with a short content preview. Control the length of the content preview and number of posts
Easy Excerpt
Manage your posts excerpt with Easy Excerpt. Change excerpt length, ending and "read more"-link from WordPress admin.
Torknado Page Excerpt
Pages, like Posts, can have an Excerpt field to override the automatic "first 55 words" excerpt. However, many themes don't enable edit …
McNinja Post Styles
It's like Post Formats, but actually useful. Every post is unique, start treating them that way.
Get Better Excerpt
The Get Better Excerpt plugin works almost identical to the built in get_the_excerpt() and the_excerpt() functions except it returns whole words inste …
Name: Children Excerpt Shortcode
Use the [children-excerpt] shortcode where you want to display the excerpts of the child pages.