Plugin Tag: excerpt
Plastic Post Style
記事本文と抜粋の出力を調整?カスタマイズします。Configure content&excerpt styles of all posts with various configurations.
Tekserve Single Post Shortcode
Wordpress plugin to create a shortcode and widget for showing the title, post info, excerpt, and thumbnail for a single post.
Excerpt character limiter
It will basically add a character countdown to the panel titlebar, and it will truncate the text when available characters drop to zero.
First Post Full Length
This plugin will show the first post with its full text but all the others with the text after the "more" tag
A better excerpt plugin with better support for Chinese. It also support cutomized tags.
single shortcode
[single] shortcode outputs content only if single page is displayed. Useful for hiding table of contents, footnotes, relative links from excerpt.
AutoFields will auto fill the Excerpt and add an Image custom field based on the data you entered into the contents editor.
Show More for P2
Automatically turn all posts into excerpts of 300 characters and add a "Show More" link that will load directly in the page.
Post summarizer
This plugin create an automatic excerpt of a post when it is saved or published. The excerpt created is a coherent piece of text containing the most i …