Plugin Tag: Frontend
Oi Frontend Profile
This plugin disallow users going to the backend. They can manage theme prifile on the frontend page.
Forms actions
Forms actions – plugin to realize form actions like send email, create post, pool requests. Now work only with ACF forms (in feauture with Ninja Forms …
Breadcrumb For Frontend
Awesome breadcrumb for frontend plugin for visitors keep track thier location and BFF(Breadcrumb For Frontend) plugin is fully compatiable with all de …
Frontend Ajax Login & Register
Easy to use front-end AJAX Login and Register popup plugin with no settings required. Shortcode: [AJAX-LOGIN_REGISTER]
Clicky Frontend Stats
It enables you to use a shortcode that looks like this: [clickystats siteid="" sitekey=""] All you have to do is fill out you …
Relevant Social URL
Allows to associate a social media post URL with each post, and optionally to display a link to it in the frontend.
Animiertes Frontend
Fügt animierte Effekte wie Schneeflocken, Herbstbl?tter oder Regentropfen zur Website hinzu.