Plugin Tag: gallery
Gallery Just Better
It's a tiny bit more flexible than wp native gallery. It finally allows non-linked images and images linking to external URLs.
Phraseanet WordPress Client
This plugin creates the possibility to get and add assets from Phraseanet server into your Wordpress website.
Play Random Image Plugin
Play Random Image is a responsive random image generator plugin for WordPress with which you could able to show your users some random information by …
Webcam Gallery
Take Images with Web Cam , apply effects and create gallery and embed in post using Gutenberg block.
DDevs Media Gallery
This plugin will add Image, Video gallery items in your WordPress site using shortcodes and custom post.
Rocket Galleries
Rocket Galleries is the gallery manager WordPress never had. Easily create and manage galleries from one intuitive panel.
STM Gallery 1.9
This plugin allows you to create original compositions of images of your media library.
Photo Gallery by 2J
Photo gallery with light style design photo gallery. Simple config photo gallery and interface settings of the photo gallery.
This plugin organizes different WordPress 2.5+ galleries into albums for easy display and navigation by using parent/child pages and custom fields.