Plugin Tag: Github
WP Showcase for GitHub
Display Your GitHub Projects on your WordPress website using a simple shortcode. This plugin comes with rich settings page where you can configure eve …
Blocks for GitHub
Easily display your GitHub profile, organization, repositories, and more within the WordPress Block Editor aka "Gutenberg".
Show developer profile
A plugin to fetch and exhibit profile information and list repositories of a given github user.
Gist API Code insert
Inserts Github Gist code directly in to your posts via shortcode without using js embed script
Open Source Software Contributions
Displays Pull Request links from GitHub for Open Source Software Contributions simply add [ossc] shortcode to your page and configure settings.
GitHub Repositories
Just a silly project to see if I can create WordPress plug-ins. It displays a list of GitHub repositories or the of a single repository.
Latest Github Release
Automatically add a download link to the latest Github repo release zips with a shortcode [latest_github_release user="github" repo="hub"]
myCred – myCred Githubreviews
Empower your Website with myCred Github! Reward users with points for approved pull requests on designated repositories. Easy GitHub integration.
Authenticate Sponsorware Videos via GitHub
This plugin allows Wordpress users to put a video and description behind Github oauth prompt. It can optionally check for sponsorship of a given organ …