Plugin Tag: jquery
WP Art Gallery
A full immersive gallery. No thumbnails, no distractions. Only one image a time. Fullscreen!
Ajax Content Renderer
This plugin detects Ajax requests and returns just the formatted body of the post or page.
Gameplorer`s WPColorBox
Gameplorer`s WPColorBox adds a ColorBox effect to all of your linked images – automatically!
jQuery & Plugins Asynchronous Loader
This plugin asynchronously loads jQuery and its plugins without "jQuery is undefined" errors.
Answering Contact Form FAQ Page Add-on
Turn your Answering Contact Form answers into a beautiful FAQ page.
Shift8 Modal
Plugin that allows you to integrate AnimatedModal library in order to create full screen modal flyout windows.
WordPress Exit Box Lite
A jQuery page that appears with a user clicks and external link! use it to show messages, ads, or social buttons.