Plugin Tag: jquery
Animated Typed JS Shortcode
This plugin add shortcode to create an animated typing effect with Typed JS. No settings needed, just plug and play.
WP Featherlight Disabled
The most lightweight WordPress lightbox plugin…and the featherlight CSS/JS (only 7kb) is automatically disabled unless you manually enable within ea …
Advanced Spoiler
Show or hide contents(text, image etc.) with animated effects wrapped by spoiler markup tag([spoiler][/spoiler]).
WP jQuery DataTable
Features can be settings to meet your exact needs for your table implementations. like Paging,Ordering,search, etc…
Cudazi Scroll to Top
Adds a smooth scroll to top feature/link in the lower-right corner of long pages.
Custom CSS/JS
WP Custom CSS JS plugin allows you to add any HTML, CSS, Javascript, jQuery or Tracking Pixel easily on your wordpress site right from your dashboard.
WP Search Suggest
Provides title suggestions while typing a search query, using the built-in jQuery suggest script.
WP DataTable
WP DataTable provides simple possibility to include raw javascript DataTables in any blog post or page, that will add advanced interaction controls to …