Hi @simco ,
That must be frustrating! There are some things you can check to hopefully reduce the randomness and get the orders flowing to ShipStation.
Are the orders in a status that matches your settings under WooCommerce > Settings > Integration > ShipStation > Export Order Statuses? Those statuses are the only ones that will export. Also make sure those statuses are set up on ShipStation.

Link to image: https://d.pr/i/LseENh

Link to image: https://d.pr/i/W3H2sD
Caching plugins providing file minification can also generate this kind of issue. If you have any plugins doing this, disable file minification and try to export the orders to ShipStation again. The orders should be picked up on the next automatic sync, or you can force a sync from ShipStation by clicking the Import icon in the top right toolbar and then either choosing to update all stores or clicking on your store to sync just that one.

Link to image: https://help.shipstation.com/hc/article_attachments/360062953231/15f1b1ec88a485.png
If it’s still not working, check the order notes for the missing orders. When an order is sent to ShipStation, there will be a note created:

Link to image: https://d.pr/i/Cxbet8
If it isn’t sent, there may be notes indicating why.
As far as a manual export, you do have the option of exporting your orders to a CSV file using something like the WooCommerce Customer / Order / Coupon Export extension, then using ShipStation’s CSV import. You’ll want to use caution, though, as there’s a potential for the order to appear a second time once those orders are working, so it may be safer to try to get the sync fully operating.
Let us know how the testing goes!