Plugin Tag: posts
Author Filters
Author filters plugin integrates an author filter drop down to sort listing on post, page, custom post type in admin.
Post List Featured Image
A plugin that adds the "Featured Image" column in admin posts and pages list.
Most And Least Read Posts Widget
Provide two widgets, showing lists of the most and reast read posts.
Schedule Posts Calendar
Adds a JavaScript calendar to the scheduled publish widget to allow you to select a date and time graphically instead of via the text entry boxes.
xili-tidy-tags is a tool for grouping tags by semantic groups or by language and for creating tidy tag clouds.
Popular Posts
Popular Posts displays a list of your blog's most-viewed posts. The output can be customised in many ways.
Post Lockdown
Allows admins to protect selected posts and pages so they cannot be trashed or deleted by non-admin users.
Bulk Actions Select All
Adds an option to the admin posts and terms overview pages to select all items (instead of just the ones on the current page) to apply bulk actions.
Post Views Stats Counter
This plugin will display how many times post and page viewed. It shows total view of access per day, week, month, and all days.