Plugin Tag: rewrite
Remove Taxonomy Base Slug
This plugin can remove specific taxonomy base slug from your permalinks (e.g. "/genre/fiction/" to "/fiction/").
Monkeyman Rewrite Analyzer
Making sense of the rewrite mess. Display and play with your rewrite rules.
Url Rewrite Analyzer
See clearly and understand how WordPress rewrite rules work within a simple and clean interface
Rewrite – A WordPress plugin to manage URL rewrite. Edit/add/backup/restore/reorder/test rewrite rule in easy way.
Ozh' Simpler Login URL
Creates a Rewrite Rule that will allow users to log in from the custom URL instead of /wp-login.php.
Taxonomic SEO Permalink
This plugin helps you to set your permalinks by using custom taxonomies just like you use %category% or %postname% in your permalink structure.
Rewrite slug before publishing a post
Is a known (SEO) issue that if You save a draft post without title, the post_name or slug is immediately saved with the post id.
Simple Search Rewrite
Redirects search results from /?s=query to /search/query/, and converts %20 to +.
JustAwesome WooCommerce Redirect
JustAwesome WooCommerce Redirect is a WooCommerce Plugin for forwarding Users to a Page, Product or URL when they want to open the shop page.