Plugin Tag: theme
Theme Companion
This plugin is used to assist in designing sites without editing the original style.css
Theme Changer
Easy theme change in the get parameter. Can be used theme to demo. this to be a per-session only change, and one that everyone (all visitors) can use.
Local Development
Places development notice for plugins or themes that are in local development. Prevents updating of selected plugins and themes.
Xylus Toolkit
The Xylus Toolkit extends functionality to Xylus Themes, providing custom post types and more.
WP Admin Theme
A simple admin theme plugin that adds a custom footer and css file. A settings page enables you to edit the css and footer.
Auto Update Themes
This plugin sets Wordpress to automatically download and install theme updates. No configuration needed, simply install the plugin and activate it.
xili Post in Post
xili-postinpost provides a triple toolkit to insert post(s) everywhere in webpage. Template tag function, shortcode and widget are available.
Storefront Visual Hook Guide
Find Storefront and WooCommerce hooks (action hooks) quick and easily by seeing their actual locations inside your theme.
Atlast Business Theme Styling Customizer
This is companion plugin of the free Atlast Business WordPress theme.With this plugin you can completely customize your theme.