Plugin Tag: wcag
A11y Kit
Make your website accessibility better by adding pre-configured and custom settings in your menu.
Core A11Y – Accessibility for Elementor
An extension for Elementor/Elementor Pro which adds additional functionality for accessibility.
Accessibility Abbreviation
Add abbreviation-tags via TinyMCE to comply with the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines.
Accessibility Language
Add language-tags via TinyMCE to comply with the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines.
WebYes WP Accessibility Checker – Easily Discover ADA & WCAG Compliance Gaps
WebYes is an accessibility checker that helps WordPress site owners and developers improve their website’s accessibility. It scans your webpage and hi …
Ascend AccessAbility
Ascend AccessAbility is a tool that will instantly increase the accessibility of your website and reduce legal risk. It's our mission to make the …
Accessibility by UUU
Text to Speech allows you to convert text content on your WordPress site into speech using a simple and accessible interface.
tidyDOM Accessibility Reports
Display accessibility statistics and reports directly in your WordPress admin dashboard. This plugin requires a paid subscription to the tidyDOM acces …
Accessibility Compliance by ACHECKS
This companion plugin to the service helps manage and report on your website’s accessibility compliance using the most popular accessibili …
Alt Attribute Audit
Displays a list of images in the media library without alt text, and an admin message reminding you to add it.
MAUVE++ allows you to check the accessibility of WordPress contents while editing them and before you hit publish. In-post accessibility scanner and g …
Modify Latest Post Title
A plugin to modify post titles to H3 in the latest posts block, enhancing accessibility and visual hierarchy.