Plugin Tag: wp_query
Simple Yearly Archive
Simple Yearly Archive is a rather neat and simple Wordpress plugin that allows you to display your archives in a year-based list.
Multiple Excerpt Lengths
Allows you to change the lengths of WordPress excerpts (the_excerpt) that are present at various pages/templates throughout your site.
Inject Query Posts
Facilitates injecting an array of posts into a WP query object as if queried. Particularly useful to allow use of standard template tags.
WP Ajax Query
WP Ajax Query allows you to query your WordPress database using the same query paramaters you would use for WP_Query, and return a JSON respresentatio …
DZS Custom WP Query Shortcode
This plugin creates a custom wp_query via a shortcode. Accepts any parameter of WP_Query
Filter Search Page
This plugin will help you to filter the search page results by category and post type.
hiWeb Soft Search
Soft search. Analyzes the search query selects the most similar posts, sorted by relevance. Мягкий поиск. Анализирует поисковый запрос, подбирает пост …