This plugin has been closed as of September 17, 2020 and is not available for download. Reason: Licensing/Trademark Violation.
May 28, 2020
Excellent plugin but any language other than English is not working. Also the fblike button (hand) works for a few days and then simply disappear.. How can I fix this?
May 7, 2020
Stop adding meta tags without asking for my permission! You’re messing up my website
November 27, 2016
nice & useful plugin
September 3, 2016
It took me a while to find this plugin, but it does just what I wanted. Thanks!! I can show the Like button on all posts and pages, positioned as I prefer, with the option for an exclude list.
I’ve written a plugin like this for another PHP-based program, and based on what I did then, I’d really like the option for a “Share” button alongside the “Like” button. Given the plugin’s title I was expecting this. It’s only a small about of extra code to include data-send=”true” as option. I’ve hard coded this in myself at the point where I need it (and it works), but it would be a great option for others to have as well.
Contributors & Developers
“WP Share & Like Button” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.
ContributorsTranslate “WP Share & Like Button” into your language.
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