• adamkalcic


    I’m trying to install wordpress with awardspace. I have uploaded the files and created the database, etc.

    I get the “Can’t Select Database page” upon trying the wp-admin install. I’m certain all of my names are correct since I contacted awardspace and they said everything seemed ok.

    I can’t figure out what is wrong??? Thanks!

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  • Twikki


    the same is happening with me
    i’m on itriss.com though



    I’ve seen a number of problems with awardspace database access–servers down quite a bit.

    I’d make sure your do have the correct info for the database name. If you are sure the wp-config.php is correct, then talk with awardspace to see if their server is working. Also make sure your database user (DB_USER) does have rights to the database (DB_NAME).

    From the begin.

    Login and go to the Website manger, then in the sidebar is “MySQL Manager”. Create a account. Than go to your site and fill in the:

    DB_NAME ( the same as DB_user)
    DB_HOST ( example : fdb1.awardspace.com )

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