• I didn’t know anything about wordpress up until about a week ago, I just got my blog up and running and I’m not sure how much of it is working. I’m curious if my RSS feed is working if people want to sign up for my blog feed. Any input is greatly appreciated. I’m happy with the design, but would like to know if the sight is functioning properly and I suspect their are some serious wordpress users on here who can evaluate my blog.


    Thanks in advance

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  • Pasted your Posts feed into an RSS Widget and it worked as expected.

    Good luck and welcome to WordPress.

    For the sake of humanity please develop your site into a powerful source for all things anti-Rush. In particular, I would love to see you rank first in a search for the man – so you could focus on SEO!

    A couple of things…

    I don’t know what’s going on with your left sidebar…

    To put some content here, go to Site Admin -> Appearance/Presentation -> Widgets -> Select “Left Sidebar” -> Click “Show” -> Click on “Add” on one of the widgets on the left side -> Click “Save changes” -> Done

    Also, ‘The Liberal Media’ on the pic of Rush is a bit confusing.

    Oh, And add a little color variation to the text – everything is a shade of gray.

    Otherwise – good luck!

    ditto “please develop your site into a powerful source for all things anti-Rush” …

    there is some work to do on this site, but great idea! rush-bashing is a great way to get traffic! but you do need some cleanup, and change the text font – it’s hard to read, strains the eyes…try something more <traditional> for text, like Arial or Times New Roman..just to make it a little easier to BASH RUSH :>

    good start – good luck

    I hate rush limbaugh too. ??

    Bashing Rush is about as stupid as listening to him.

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