• I’ve just installed this plugin so there may be something that I’m missing that’s obvious, but the first thing I did was check the User page. At the bottom it says

    Your profile is looking a little empty. Why not add some information!

    When I click ‘add’ it appears to load a page but defaults back to the user page, this time with ‘/?profiletab=main’ appended to the address.

    Is there a setting I’ve missed?


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  • Your profile is looking a little empty. Why not add some information!

    This means you have not entered any info yet on that profile, create first (add fields) to your profile form and then open your profile (front) and add your info.

    Here is how to setup your community https://docs.ultimatemember.com/

    Cheers Mike

    Plugin Support calumallison


    Thanks for helping on the forum @themedutch. Much appreciated! ??

    Thread Starter demonboy


    Hi, thanks for getting back to me.
    The profile I am looking at is my own, the administrator, which already contains information dating back from many years ago. I can see that information no problem, but if I add a new field to the form it does not display, and neither does the blue ‘update’ button.

    This is what the form should look like according to the live preview:

    And this is what I am actually seeing:

    Thread Starter demonboy


    OK, further to this…

    I logged out and registered myself as a new user. As this new user I have the option to edit my profile. This is good.

    The problem is not seeing the UM features as an administrator. If I hit the Members page as a new user, for example, I can see the member list. If I hit the members page as an administrator, I don’t see anything. It returns ‘We are sorry. We cannot find any users who match your search criteria.’ All Administrator user roles are ticked so they have complete control and ability to view everything.

    Any clues?

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 10 months ago by demonboy.
    • This reply was modified 6 years, 10 months ago by demonboy.

    When you’re not seeing the UM features as an administrator, it means your admin user role has limitations. But It can be that easy as just saving the user role. Ultimate member > User Roles. If that not worked out, check if maybe an other plugin is also using user roles.

    Check the pre-defined fields on your form, make sure admin has access.

    Also have a look at your ssl, and make sure all your images are https instead of http. You have some issues with loading google fonts (firefox/consule) makes your site also loads a bit faster.

    Hope this helps

    My pleasure Calum

    I came across this problem, too, and realized after much frustration that if a user has TWO profiles, any “negative” settings on one profile will override the other. SO, I had a sample user with “Participant” and “Subscriber”. Subscriber could edit their profile, but Participant couldn’t – so my user couldn’t edit it.

    Same problem here and the solution was what Winkyboy wrote.
    User roles needs to be checked.
    Always the lowest role will be applied by UM.

    After many tries, I have discovered the problem of editing saving profile form:
    when the member opens his profile, the url will be for example https://www.mydomain.com/profile/5
    There is a function called um_is_on_edit_profile() in plugin function file, which make checking of profiletab=”main” and um_action=”edit” in um-short-functions.php, and sometimes these parameters is empty, so I have searched in profile template located in TEMPLATES folder and changed the next line 26:

    if ( um_is_on_edit_profile() ) { ?>
    			<form method="post" action="">
    <?php }


    if ( um_is_on_edit_profile() || TRUE ) { ?>
    			<form method="post" action="">
    <?php }

    and line 193:
    ` if ( um_is_on_edit_profile() ) { ?>
    <?php }`


    		if ( um_is_on_edit_profile() || TRUE) { ?>
    		<?php }

    I consider this solution is temporary as t

    I consider this solution is temporary as it should be fixed in next update

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