• I am getting a lot of errors and notice in the log.
    Like on if(isset($_GET['page']) && $_GET['page']=='pushengage-admin') where I added a check but work with your plugin enabled is a mess for all the errors like:

    [17-Apr-2018 17:17:17 UTC] Array
        [error] => Warning
        [file] => /srv/www/demo/htdocs/wp-includes/Requests/Transport/cURL.php
        [line] => 508
        [context] => Array
                [url] => https://api.pushengage.com/apiv1/segments
                [data] => 1
                [url_parts] => Array
                        [scheme] => https
                        [host] => api.pushengage.com
                        [path] => /apiv1/segments
                        [query] =>
                [query] =>
        [filter] => qm/collect/new_php_error
        [path] => /srv/www/demo/htdocs/wp-includes/Requests/Transport/cURL.php
        [message] => Warning (2): http_build_query(): Parameter 1 expected to be Array or Object.  Incorrect value given in [/srv/www/demo/htdocs/wp-includes/Requests/Transport/cURL.php, line 508]
        [url] => https://demo.test/wp-admin/post.php?post=56&action=edit
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  • Also on note_override method is missing a global $wp_session;.
    Also on remote_request adding $remote_data['remoteContent'] = array(); will fix the rest of errors in the log.
    Please check the errors in the log of your plugin!

    Plugin Author PushEngage


    Thanks for bringing this to our attention.

    We are working on a new version of the WordPress Plugin, which will address these notices that show up in the logs. Apologies for the issues you faced.

    PushEngage team

    Thank you and please check the code style because is a mess, with code not aligned and sometimes braces used and sometimes not.

    I am trying to extend the plugin to have a custom schedule but the code is not so readable…

    Plugin Author PushEngage


    We will definitely improve on that.

    If you can email us at [email protected] and share what you are trying to add, we might even consider having it part of the core plugin (if applicable for all).

    PushEngage Team

    Another error is on core-class.php file, line 50. You are trying to print an array without converting as a string.
    This generate a lot of errors in the log without doing nothing.
    Bette replace that line with var drft_seg ='".empty($draft_segments)."';.

    Looking also at all of the code you are using global variables of wordpress without specify global $wp_session. This bad code is generating a lot of errors.

    Also looking the code seems that there are a lot of variables declared but never used.

    Another errors in views/admin.php on GCM where you print from an object but in case is not configured there are a lot of errors.
    Also you are calling index of array without check if they exist so again a lot of errors.
    Also print variables that doesn’t exist and with this I can finx errors in the same file $error_message = '';$site_id = '';

    Just to say that more I use your plugin and more I don’t udnerstand why you promote so much this plugin written very badly.
    It is impossible to release on production where there are logs enabled for check everything.
    I am patching and using a custom version with all the errors FIXED!

    $tab = $optin_bg_https = $optin_footer_txt_https = $optin_img_url_https = $optin_close_button_footer_https = $optin_allow_button_footer_https = $optin_message_https = $optin_bg = $site_id = $error_message = $optin_footer_txt = $optin_img_url = $optin_close_button_footer = $optin_allow_button_footer = $optin_message = $set_site_type = $quick_install = $dialogbox_type_https = $dialogbox_type_https = $optin_title_https = $optin_allow_button_https = $optin_close_button_https = $optin_delay_time_https = $optin_segments_https = $dialogbox_type = $optin_title = $optin_allow_button = $optin_close_button = $optin_delay_time = $optin_segments_http = '';
    Do you know that for every variable there is atleast an error if is not defined? Also everytime that you in an if use an array without check if isset you get an error?

    Plugin Author PushEngage


    We offer extensive API for PushEngage at https://www.pushengage.com/api/ which we recommend for building custom code. Please use those.

    Internal WordPress API’s are not meant for external direct use, and will not be supported for backward compatibility. We have shared this with you many times and sharing it in public forum again.

    Why would someone not use the public API’s which are meant for developers is something we dont understand.

    Plugin Author PushEngage


    The issues reported are resolved with 1.5 release

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