I appreciate you taking the time to write this review, @wei17 ??
Bearing in mind this is first and foremost the review page for The Events Calendar, I want to note for the benefit of other users that your particular concerns are only relevant if:
A) You also wish to use our ticketing plugins (that is, Event Tickets and Event Tickets Plus).
B) Along with those, you also plan on using our Events Calendar PRO plugin.
C) You specifically wish to combine the ticketing functionality of the first two plugins with Event Calendar PRO’s recurring event functionality.
With those caveats done, you’re correct: our ticketing plugins do not integrate completely with PRO’s recurring event functionality at the current time. This is not something we try to hide – in fact the product pages for both ticketing plugins (linked to above) spell this limitation out very clearly.
When asking for when this would be fixed, their support agent said: “We do not have an anticipated time frame for recurring events to support tickets further.” ARE YOU SERIOUS?
From our perspective, it’s not a matter of fixing things (“fix” implying there is a bug). Instead, work to add full support for recurring events from our ticketing plugins is something we see as a further enhancement or new feature and, when it comes to new features and functionality, we generally do not commit to a specific time frame.
So, yes, the agent was being serious. We don’t have a firm date for adding the functionality you are asking about and while we understand how desirable a feature this is the last thing we want is to make promises we can’t keep and mislead our customers in the process.
A number of pieces of work are in progress which, amongst other things, will lay the foundation stones needed for a future where recurring events and ticketing will mesh more tightly – when exactly that will happen remains something that we are unable to offer an ETA for.
In cases where this particular combination of features is likely to form a critical project requirement we would also recommend seeking alternative solutions (and if we identify customers for whom this is the case within our pre-sales forum, we are entirely transparent about things) — even so, I’d also suggest that for numerous other use cases involving ticket sales and calendaring our product line-up is amongst the best available.
I hope the above notes add some clarity to the situation ??