as far as I understand anchor text, it’s simply whatever word or phrase you hyperlink.
So, for example, David de Beer, my name is hyperlinked so that when you click on it you go to my blog (people tend to say, “click here” or “read this”, with here and this being hyperlinked to whatever website or blog the author wants readers to go to). The anchor text is my name, David de Beer.
The text (word or phrase) that you copy the link onto anchors the link in your post/ page.
Ok, so the question is — how do you incorporate anchor text into wordpress?
posts and pages. The next time you write up a blog post (or comment here on this forum even) look to the menu bar (click on html mode if writing a post in wordpress, it’ll be easier to spot the button that says “link”), highlight the word or phrase you want to hyperlink, copy the link you want to use, click on the “link” button in your toolbar, paste the link and you’re done.
you write a blog post telling your readers how cool wordpress is. You select the word “wordpress” as your anchor, highlighting it, click on “link” in your toolbar and type in click enter, “wordpress” is now hyperlink and you’re done. like so:
wordpress is my favourite blogging platform.
that’s it, that’s anchor text.
(note: this is totally my layman’s understanding of the concept, I could be talking out of my ass).