overlapping booking gives a wrong total price
If a client books his holiday through your calendar and his check-out date is the same one of the check-in date of the following client, then the system gives the wrong total for the price of his booking, as it doesn’t include the last night in the total price.
For example:
guest-A comes 1st june and stays for 3 nights at B&B so he will leave 4th june in the morning.|
guest-B comes 4th june in the afternoon.Guest-A select 1-4 june, price per night is $50, so the total of guest-A should be $150, and not $100, which is the total price shown on the screen at the moment of reservation and also as the total price in the automatic emails (confirmation and notification emails) that are sent after “book now” functionallity.
Is it a known issue? What can be done to solve it?
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