• Resolved Alex H


    I am creating a table of which the first cell contains consecutive dates for the Sundays of the year. The table started in April 2018 and will eventually go round for the whole year.

    Is there anyway to only display those dates subsequent to the current date?

    Very many thanks

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Author TobiasBg



    thanks for your post, and sorry for the trouble.

    The TablePress Extension from https://tablepress.org/download/extension/tablepress-row-filter-date.zip (see the PHP file for some instructions) might serve as a starting point here.



    I’m also having a similar issue. I have both the “tablepress-row-filter-date” and the row-filter extension installed, but it doesnt seem to be working. Im using filter_date=future in the shortcode, but it doesnt seem to be doing anything. Did I miss anything?

    Plugin Author TobiasBg



    can you provide an example, like a link to the page with the table and the exact Shortcode?


    Thank you!

    I’m not very good at this as wordpress is new to me. Here is the site: https://planning.lacounty.gov/site/avcsd/test-page/

    I was testing the four shortcodes

    [table id=1 datatables_fixedheader=top datatables_row_details=true datatables_row_details_columns="E-G" responsive=collapse filter_date=future filter_date_columns=3 row_order=sort row_order_sort_column=C? row_order_sort_direction=ASC automatic_url_conversion=true/]

    [table id=1 datatables_fixedheader=top datatables_row_details=true datatables_row_details_columns="E-G" responsive=collapse filter_date=future filter_date_columns=2 row_order=sort row_order_sort_column=C? row_order_sort_direction=ASC automatic_url_conversion=true/]

    [table id=1 filter_date_columns=2 filter_date=future datatables_fixedheader=top datatables_row_details=true datatables_row_details_columns="E-G" row_order=sort row_order_sort_column=C? row_order_sort_direction=ASC automatic_url_conversion=true/]

    [table id=1 filter_date=future datatables_fixedheader=top datatables_row_details=true datatables_row_details_columns="E-G" row_order=sort row_order_sort_column=C? row_order_sort_direction=ASC automatic_url_conversion=true/]

    Plugin Author TobiasBg



    that’s a bit too much. Some of these Shortcode parameters are not compatible.

    I suggest to start with the basic

    [table id=1 /]

    and then add more and more parameters, until things stop working.


    OK, i pared it down to [table id=1? filter_date=future /] and its still not working. Was there something I missed?

    Plugin Author TobiasBg



    have you installed and activated the mentioned TablePress Extension? What date format are you using in the table? Can you please post a link to the page with the table where this problem happens, so that I can take a direct look? Thanks!


    some months ago I downloaded tablepress plug and some extensions. Now I am starting to do the website relaunch and implement them.

    I need to have rows with past dates disappear from the table, so I was
    very happy to find this thread and installed the plugin tablepress-row-filter-date mentioned above.
    It works perfect for showing only dates in the past, but not for showing only dates in the future or dates today.

    Kind regards

    Plugin Author TobiasBg


    Hi Kerstin,

    the same applies as for the others above: Please provide more information, like the used Shortcode, the date format, and maybe even a link. Thanks!


    Hi, Tobias,

    this is the link, same code, one with “past”, one with “future”




    Plugin Author TobiasBg


    Hi Kerstin,

    thanks for the link! The problem here is the date format. The TablePress Extension only understands the US format mm/dd/yyyy.

    My suggestion here would be to add an extra column (as the third column) with the desired date in the mm/dd/yyyy format and then use a modified Shortcode like

    [table id-3 filter_date=future filter_date_columns=3 hide_columns=3 /]


    Hi, Tobias,
    thank you very much! Now it works.

    Two other questions and then TablePress is the perfect Tour Tool.
    (The normal calender plugins do not allow to scroll or sort or filter the events.)

    Q1: Hide two (or moore) columns
    For responsibility I would like to have a column with the full show name and a column with a short show name and hide one or the other column for desktop / smartphone.

    As I already have to hide the US date column, is there a possibility to hide two columns?
    hide_columns=1&7 or hide_columns=1 hide_colums=7 I already tried, then only column 7 will be hidden.

    Q2: Show only first 4 or 5 rows
    Is there something like filter_date=future+n, n = number of rows. Or `hide_rows=all show_rows=1-n’ ?



    Addition: I found an older post about a similar Question, filter either a fixed number of events (my problem) or events in a fixed range of days: https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/request-events-list/ Similar idea of having events only from “startdate=-3” to events “enddate=21”, dates starting three days before today til the next 21 days.

    Plugin Author TobiasBg



    the correct syntax for hiding multiple columns is


    (i.e. a comma-separated list of numbers).

    As for the number of filtered results: Unfortunately, I’m not aware of a solution for that ??
    I can only think of a way to hide the extra rows via CSS, but technically they are stil part of the page.


    Thread Starter Alex H


    Hi Tobias

    I have been following this thread as I am having the same issue. I have set up a second column with the date in US format (and I have disabled hiding the column for debugging purposes.

    I am using the following code: [table id=34 filter_date=future filter_date_columns=2 /]

    However the filter does not appear to be working, and I cannot see what I have done wrong. the url is https://www.modburyteam.org/team-readings/

    Any help much appreciated

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