• Hi, I designed the whole site from scratch but with a lot of help from Veerle’s tutorial on how to make a blog.https://veerle.duoh.com/
    My site is located here: https://www.shaysblog.com
    Its my very first designing project. Its not as spectacular as everyone else’s but it will do :p for me. I haven’t finished writing in all the topics and I still have to add the calendar but the layout is done.
    Would love feedback whether its good or bad. Suggestions? Comments?

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  • Your site looks fine in IE, but is broken in Firefox 1.0PR. The background image doesn’t show up.
    On IE, the color scheme you’ve chosen for the links in your MENU section are a little distracting to read. I would suggest changing those.
    And you’re getting spammed by “Online Poker” just so you know.

    Thread Starter shayshay


    I know that I’m being spammed =( I just havent really gotten a chance to take care of that situation. That’s the least of my problems right now.
    Any whoooo…….i’ve changed it! I think the menu and the sites overall colors are more coordinated now
    What you think?

    The menu colors do look better because they are bold. But now your nav buttons and the post titles are a little fuzzy..

    The header image has gone through a bit too much JPEG compression… unless it’s supposed to look like that.

    It’s pretty nice (better than the average WordPress blog), and the design is better than most templates I’ve seen… but that poor header image is suffering from too much compression! Uncompress! Uncompress! ??

    Thread Starter shayshay


    okay okay okay. lol :p
    I think I fixed it….is the header better? or do i need to just create it all ova?

    Looks worse… :/
    I think you need to open the master photoshop file for the header (assuming you did it in photoshop, and saved the photoshop file), and save it as a JPEG, and turn the quality to at least 75 or 80.

    Thread Starter shayshay


    I’m going to change the image completely….
    1.) wont look so blurry
    2) will match the color scheme

    I like the design! It works well and it looks good. I think it’s very clever how you used “categories” for your “about” page and other links… for my own site I hard-coded a profile page which I know isn’t ideal.

    Thread Starter shayshay


    i think there is a problem with my image host……

    Thread Starter shayshay


    Hey i’ve added a calendar and…..uh oh watch out now!
    a shout box LOL
    have fun you guys.

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