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  • Plugin Author AntoineH


    I have submit several french translations in this page :
    But they’ve not been validated. Is this the good way to translate your plugin ?

    Yes, this is the correct way. But you’ll have to either reach out to one of the translation editors for the French locale, or ask to become PTE (plugin translation editor) for my plugin.

    Another thing : in matchs results page, date is formatted like ‘month day, year’ (example : juin 16, 2018
    In my WordPress general options, date format is already set to d/m/Y…
    What’s wrong ?

    The matches table displays the match date in a PHP date format that is defined in the translation file: 'M d, Y'.

    I will move this format to a setting or constant in the next version. That will make it easier to overwrite the format in a single install.

    Thread Starter florent71


    OK, I will ask to become PTE for your plugin, with your agreement.
    Thanks for your answer.

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