• So I have a fresh install of WP 2.7.1 and after setting up content, etc. with my own login as administrator, I have added an “Editor” role for an employee but when they list the pages and hover over the only option they’re given is “View”, ie: they’re not permitted to edit the pages and they also can’t click on the page title as it is not hyperlinked.

    Has anyone else run into this problem? If I change the user to an administrator it works fine but when I change her back to editor again, no editing!

    I have tried deactivating plug-ins, etc. but the problems persists. Searched the forums, google, no luck. Any advice?

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  • Pixelgadgets


    The reason is explained here – https://codex.www.ads-software.com/Roles_and_Capabilities

    A plugin is available here – https://www.ads-software.com/extend/plugins/role-scoper/

    Good luck

    I had the same problem recently, assuming editors can edit pages. They simply can’t. You really have to use a plugin.


    You need to change the user role by editing the user profile from admin login in wordpress admin section.

    Also manage it by this plugin:



    Shane G.

    Can someone please explain this? The list of Roles and Capabilities for editors includes: edit_others_pages and edit_pages

    Editors should be able to edit any page. However I’ve just run in to a situation where my editors can edit most pages but cannot edit certain pages. It looks like they might not be able to edit Administator pages — I’m still trying to track the issue down…

    Has anyone else run in to anything like this?

    I changed the author on the page in question from an Admin account to an Editor account — editors are now able to edit the page. Apparently Editors cannot change pages with an Administrator set as the author?

    I haven’t found information about this restriction in the forums or Codex. Are these special restrictions on Admin-created pages documented anywhere?

    This comes up once in a while. If memory serves correctly, last time around the cause was the Exec-PHP plugin requiring the execute_php capability, but only if the post author was an Administrator.

    It seems that WordPress has done something in the new 2.9 update that limits the PAGES from being edited by anyone except the ORIGINAL ADMIN account (username = admin) – even though all the documentation says that all accounts with Administrator permissions may use all functions. Surely they will fix this in a future release. but for now, be sure you log in using the ADMIN user.


    ALISM has totally nailed the answer to this problem. You only need to go to the PAGES page, click the SCREEN OPTIONS at the top of the screen and change it from 1 column to 2 column. The saving information will appear in the 2nd column.





    Unfortunately, the screen options fix is not comprehensive.



    My issue was the “PHP Execution” plugin had PHP Execution disabled for the Editor in settings. Enabling this brought back the ability for my editor to edit pages.

    Posts were always editable.

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