• I have just discovered the excellent wordpress & I have an interest in webdesign, however its very limited.

    I have used our webdesign companies template for our official site to create my own theme.

    I have had a good go, and its getting there after about 4 hours. However I cannot for the life of me get the text to look good (I want it in white) and I have altered my css to try and represent this, however it doesnt want to play.

    My blog is situated at;


    My official site is


    Im trying to get the blog to recreate our site! So it all intergrates perfectly! I have added the menu bar like in our official site however I cannot get it to work? Any help or advice would be perfect and much appreciated. I also cant get the whole site to be centralised like our main site as it messes the design up. If anybody could help it would be greatly appreciated.

    I can be emailed at [email protected]

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  • Stuff like this:

    <link href="../css/blog_style.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />

    needs to 1) have the FULL http path to the file or 2) if you’re using your theme files to call in the stylesheet, use the `<?php bloginfo(‘stylesheet’); ?> call.

    You’ve also got an error in the top of your site:

    “<%@ page language=”C#” autoeventwireup=”true” inherits=”_Default, App_Web_toev0ipp” %> <%—-%> “

    I have no idea what that is.

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